15 FEBRUARY 1946, Page 21


[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened alter noon on Tuesday week, February 26th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]

ACROSS 1. One of those sent " to spy out the land." (5.) 4. The dmdgery of bridge? 9. Superheat. (Anag.) (9.) ro. Whistle a bit. (5.) rt. Fut not a thieving Dickensian.

12. A Shakespearian curate. (9.)

13. The other way round. (7.) 16. "I would not have given it for a

wilderness of -." (Shakespeare.) (7.) 19. Ned's tea is se.ved here. (4, 3.) 20. Retribution. (7.)

21. Hired pews. (Anag.) (9.) 24. Khaki cloth. (5.)

26. "Time-honoured Lancaster." (5.) 27. "0 to be in England! (9.) 28. Men in mixed spices. (9.) 29. Father of Methuselah. (5.) DOWN 1. Not where one is likely to get first- class professional footballers. (9.) 2. Flower of shockers. (5.)

3. A punitive growth. (5, 4.)

4. How the committee may be snubbed. (3, 2.) 5. Heaven forbid that the sailor should seat himself on a cipher over some chaps. (5, 4.) 6. No forenoon in America. (5.) 7. Sour diets. (Anag.) (9.) 8. The sound of the sexton's daughter. (5.) (9.) (5.) 14. With a waistcoat on I nearly get a blue. (9.

15. This test does not seem to start. (so.) 17. Inscribed metal which might be ample and neat. (9.) 18. Scots for English. (9.) 21. Makes war for cash. (5.) 22. Make it tip up. (5.)

23. They are often marked on the bottle. (5.) 25. Marching orders for Fido. (5.)