15 JANUARY 1848, Page 9



The upward movement in the Government Securities continued until this morn- ing; when the price of Consols had reached 88, being an advance of lf per cent upon the closing quotations of last week. The main cause of this improvement is the comparative cheapness of money. The "continuation," or premium paid by the speculator for carrying over Consols from the present to the February Ac- count, was equivalent to an interest of from 1/ to 3 per cent per annum: in the November Account last year, the same accommodation could not be obtained under 6 per cent, and in October it was as high as 10 per cent. The spsculators for the fall are compelled by the near approach of the settlement of the Consol Ac- count, which is fixed for the 18th instant, to provide Stock for delivery; and the demand thus occasioned has a material effect in sustaining the market. Tho Bank Broker has also purchased largely; and, with the concurrence of all the favourable circumstances already noticed, it can hardly be sue- prising that prices have risen. A check to the upward movement was given by intelligence received this morning of the decline of the French Funds yester- day, partly caused by apocryphal reports of the King's illness. After falling to 87/ and reaching to 874, a sudden drop of nearly 1 per cent occurred; and the closing quotation at three o'clock was 86/ 87; since which the price has rallied slightly, and at four o'clock it was 87 h. The other Government Securities have fluctuated with Consols. A remarkable rise is observable in Bank Stock; which within the last few days bad advanced to 197; though the price has fallen back today to 194. India Stock is not so much in demand; but it is improving, and has been at 235. The premium of Exchequer Bills has advanced about 48.; that for large or 1,0001. bills having today reached '27s. The improved state of the market contributes mach to the confidence of the stockholder, and is almost a guarantee against the chance of a funding. In the Foreign Market, the demand for the better class of Dividend-paying Stocks continues; though the business transacted has been limited. Spanish Stock is not quite so firm as it has been; and no transactions requiring notice have iceprrecl. Portuguese Bonds, on the contrary, have continued in demand, and 4*ere at one period 2 per cent in advance of our last quotations: a slight reaction has occurred today. Mexican Stock has been Witham material change; fluctu- ating within a trifle of 18. Today a slight impulse was given to the market by the failure of a speculator for the fall, which has caused a demand for Stock. The Railway Shares were in great demand; and until today, most of the prin- cipal varieties continued to improve, and were from IL to 31. in advance of our last quotations: but a decline has followed, and prices have fallen nearly the whole extent of the rise. Since the fall of the English Funds, the indisposition to in- vestment has increased, and prices are nominally lower than in the morning.

The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending January 8th, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results— BANKING DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest Public Deposits Other Deposits Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, including Dead-weight Other Securities


£44,766 2,535,178





550,440 Actual Circulation 636,395


Notes issued 85,950

Bullion 174,111

This week. Last week.

Total Bullion In both Departments al Actual Circulation 12,578,361 18,561,365 12,404,250 17,924,990

SATURDAY, Twas.vz o'Ckocr.

The first price of Consols for Account was 874; the market has, however, since given way, without the occurrence of any bargains of importance, and the price is now 87h both for Money and Account. The decline of yesterday seems to have been solely occasioned by the occurrence of an influential sale upon a fever- ish market; none of the various sinister rumours then prevalent, and to which we did not think it worth while to allude, being confirmed. The general character of the foreign news received this morning is considered unsatisfactory. Exchequer Bills are 248. premium. No business has occurred in Bank or India Stock. The Foreign Market is in a quiet state; prices are nominally lower, in consequence of the fall of Consols. The Railway Shares are not so firm; most of the transactions here recorded being indicative of lower prices: Midland, 112; Norfolk, 88; North Staffordshire, 9i; Sonth-eastern and Dover, 8l. No.2, / dis.; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 45, Great Western, Quarter-shares, In i; Bristol and Exeter, Thirds, 1587;1Cialedonian, 35i 4: Chester and Holyhead, 19 18j; Ditto, Preference, 11/; Eastern Counties, 16; Ditto, Extension, 6 per cents,

83 4 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents 54 Ditto tbr Account

3-per Cent Reduced

31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Buenos Ayres Chill= 6 per Cents 3 per Cent Consols

871 1 Ditto 4 per Cents

Wit f Mexican 5 per Cents 1896 81 13-16 New Granada

Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 24 prem. Portuguese Old 1824

Russian 5 per Cents

107 9 81 3 Spanish (Active) b per Cents 88 90 30 3 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela 36 8 88 90

11871 01481 1256 821

1St 191 al Si