15 JANUARY 1859, Page 10


STOCK EXCHANGE, FaxsAv Arreaxoos.

This has been a week of rapid and extremely violent fluctuations in the value of English securities ; such a degree of excitement has scarcely been witnessed in the Stock Exchange for years. The note in Friday's ifoniteur had only a temporary effect in allaying the fears which for the previous week had been spreading in the commercial world with regard to the French and Austrian question. The continued receipt of lower quotations from Paris invariably produced a fall on this side, although not always in propor- tion; in fact for the last day or two the variations have been almost solely regulated by the French telegrams; the fall in Rentes has been most serious, and although a sudden reaction took place on Wednesday to the extent of nearly 1 per cent, followed by a recovery in Consols from 95 to mg f the market has not shown any disposition to advance beyond that point. The opening price on Monday morning was sg 96, per cent lower than last quoted on Friday ; more firmness was for a time observed, but a further de- cline of 1 or occurred late in the day, business not being very extensive. On Tuesday there was increased agitation producing another fall of 1 per cent, and on Wednesday the pressure of sales was so great as to send Con- sols down to sq 95. Higher prices were afterwards telegraphed from Paris and a rally of I per cent took place almost immediately. Since then there bas been no new feature, but there are as yet no symptoms of a healthy re- covery from the panic. Today the market has only fluctuated between I and I buyers, closing heavy 95.4 951 ; Reduced 961 96k; New Three per Cents, 961 961; Bank Stock, 225 227. Money has only been in limited de- mand at 11 per cent in Government Securities. Purchases on account ef the Savings Banks continue to be made every day. The Foreign Market has been in a most excited state, particularly in the New Turkish Scrip, which was repeatedly pressed for sale under most dis- advantageous circumstances, the dealers declining for the most part to make a bid ; the quotation was at one time 65 dis., bargains were done at Of ; since then a partial rally has taken place, but the market still wears a heavy appearance, the last price today is 4i 4 dis. Nearly all the other stocks quoted in the list are at greatly reduced prices. Sardinia and the Victor Emmanuel Bonds have both 'receded to 85 and 89; Peruvian Stocks are nearly 3 per cent lower. Venezuela 2 per cent worse. The rate for money has been higher than for some time past, as much as 7 per Cent being given for carrying over Accounts. Mexican, 19k ; Brazilian (1858), 94 94k; Spanish, 441 45. Railway Shares have been • exceedingly depressed in sympathy with the state of the English market; the decline in some of the heavy descriptions reaching 11 and 2 per cent. The arrangements for the settling today has likewise had an adverse influence, Contansem being exceedingly heavy. The markets have somewhat recovered from the lowest point, hut prices are considerably below those last quoted ; Great Western, 56z; Midland-, 1021 ; London and North-Western, ssi I; Caledonian Stock, 87 ; Chester and Holyhead, 48i 49; Berwick, 93f 94.

The Foreign Share Market has been very animated, the fluctuations being of a most serious character; Lombardo-Venetian New Shares have been 1 dis., but close 1 I ; New Paris and Lyons, 33 33k; Northern of France, 37/ ; Paris and Strasbourg, ssi I. A telegram announcing an additional fall in Rentes of 1 per cent has caused a decline in Consols (after hours) of 1 per cent.