15 JANUARY 1859, Page 21


BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Prices.)

per Cent Commis Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New Spec Cents Long Annuities Annuities 1883 Bank Stock, Spec Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, M. per diem Exchequer Bonds, 1834 India Bonds 4 per Cent (Last Official Quotation Rut ways- Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Chester and Holyhead Eastern Counties,, Edinburgh and Glasgow

Glasgow and South-Western Great Northern Great South. aud West. Ireland

Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carliiic London,Brighton,& South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-Western London and South-Western Manchester, Sheffield,& Lincoln Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland) North British North-Eastern-Berwick


Oxford, Wor.& Wolverhampton Scottish Central Scottish Midland South Eastern and Dover Eastern of France East Indian Geelong and Melbourne Grand Trunk of Canada

Great Indian Peninsular

Great Western of Canada : Paris and Lyons


Australian Brazilian Imperial Ditto St. John del Rey Cobre Copper illymney 1.203 Wheat,R. O 37 tee' Pine 40-42 Red, New 0- 0 Fine 0- 6 White Old 0- 0 Pine 0- 0 New 43-48 'WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Jan. 8.

Wheat 40s. 61. Rye 30..

Barley 52 • Beans 39 Oats 31 3 Peas 4i FLOUR.

Town made per sack 404 to 43..

Seconds 33 - 36 Essex aud Suffolk, on board ship 29 -31 Norfolk and Stockton 28 - 20 American per barrel 22 - 26 Canadian 22 - 26 Bread. 44. to 74. the elb. loaf.


Weald of Kent Pockets 62s. to 701.

Mid and East Kent ditto 70 - 120

Bosses ditto 60 - el Paraluon ditto 0 - 0 Hay, Good Inferior

New Clover

Wheat Straw GROCERIES.

Tea, Bouchong, Ilne,per lb. 21. 6d. to 11. es.

Congou, fine 2 0 2 6 Pokoe, nowery 3 0 - 4 6 In bond-Duty I'M. per lb.

Coffee, tine (la bond) cwt. 81, 04. to 93.. 0d.

Good Ordinary 48.. Od. to 42t. 04. Cocoa, Trinidad (in bond) fos. ed. to 65s. ed. Rice, Am., dr. Carolina., 17s. 04. 1* 245. ad. Sugar, Muscovado, morale,.. 28.. 814

West India Molasses 13:. 64. to sea. Oot POTATOES.

Kent and Essex Bogen ta.. ton . POs.to 90..

thaw 0 - 0 York Regents lle -140 Scotch „


Fine 45 tote! Pine 65 total Poreign,R. 38- 481 Peas, Hog 34 - 37 White P. 34 -30 i Maple 36-36 Bye 20-33 White..,. 31 - 37 Barley 23 - 28 Blue 5- 0 Malting.. 35 - 40 Beans, Ticks 34-30 Malt, Ord... 58-041 Harrow 39-44

I. s.

Indian Corn. 29 to 30 Oats, Feed.. 31-23 Fine .... 23-23 Poland ... 22-20 Fine.... 23-20 rotate.... 34 -16 Fine .... 26-

PROVISIONS. Batter-Best Fresh, 17.. doe. Carlow, 3/. Os. to 51. 16.. per cwt.

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 464. - 30o.

Cheese, Cheshire, tine 66 78 Derby, pale Si -70 Hams, York 86 - 96 Eggs, Preach, per 120, Os. 84. to 9s. 64.

HEAD OF Csrn.s at msN C,T1.1.-NAR IT. Monday. Thursdsy.

Roasts.. 3,740 1,230 Sheep ..23,70o 3,500 Calves.. 121 147

Pigs... 400 lie


Down Tegs per lb. l044. to 204.

lialf.bred Wethen 17 - 171

Lekester Fleeces 18 10

Combing Skins 141 171 Id I SCELLA.NEOUS

at. 34.

- 82

- 0 8 - 45 0 - Os -00 - 09 - 45 - 0

- Si)

- 42 • -40 9

- 0 0 •••• 0 0


(Lost Official Quotation daring the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 6 p. Ct. - French 4i ILO.

Belgian 4 i - 90 Mexican 8 -

Ditto El - - Peruvian 41 Brazilian 6 - len Portuguese 1603 9 - Buenos Ayres 6 - 81: Russian 41 - Chilian 6 - - Sardinian 5 - Danish 6 - Spanish 11 --

Ditto a - - Ditto New Deferred 3 -

Dutch (Ex. 11 Guilders) .1* - 63; Ditto Passive Ditto 4 101 Turkish. 0 - French 5 - 71f. Venezuela S - l's 00; tir 441 • 20 SHARES.

during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Ban XS-

911 Australasian ail British North American 461 City 631 Colonial

681 Commercial of London

- Engl. Scotsh.& Australian Chtd 1061 London 105 London and County 561 London Chrtd. Bak. of Australis

971 London Joint Stock

- London and Westminster

112, National Bank

61 National Provincial 96* New South Wales 9.1 Oriental 39 Provincial of Ireland 1011 South Australia - Onion of Australia

Si) Union of London

9311 Unity 774 Western Bank of London 301 Dacus- - Bast and West India 83 London 74* St. Katherine 26 Victoria

1041 MIIICLLLAN soca-

181 Australian Agricultural $71. British American Land 106; Canada 161 Crystal Palace 33f Electric Telegraph General Steam

- Loudon Discount

National Discount Peninsular and Oriental Steals Royal Mail Steam South Australlae II; 39 26


644 20 171 491 30 22 32)



- •




36* 11 1081


BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Goldin Bars,Standard. e3 17 9 Copper, Brit. Cakes Z112 10 0 .. Cl o Iron, Welsh Bars.- 7 0 0 .. 7 10 Mexican Dollars 0 0 0 Lead, British Pig ... 23 15 0 .. 24 0 Sliver in Bars. Standard 0 5 2 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 20 0 0 .. 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Jan. If.


Per Qr. (imperial) of Englund and Wales.

64. Wheat .... 40s. 64. 1 Rye 319. 108. 9 Barley .... 23 7 'Beans 41 o 3 Oats 23 1 s Peas 43 7 BUTCHERS' MEAT.


;. d. a. d v. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. Reef- 3 4 to 3 10 to 4 2 .... 4 2 to 4 8 to 5 2 Mutton 3 0 - 3 8 - 4 2 .... 4 0 - 4 8 - 5 2 Veal... 3 0 - 3 8 - 4 4 .... 3 6 - 4 4 - 6 0 Pork .. 3 0 - 3 4 - 4 2 .... 3 0 - 4 0 - 4 2 Lamb . 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0-0 0-0 0 • To sink the offal, per Bib.

HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 39 Tramiel./

linirnrizte. Wu litell ore.- Cs Asa.

Ur. to 80s 70o. to Ms 68. 10 94s. 60 -70.. 6 - 0 74-500

0 -0 0 - 0 6-0 90 -109 90 166 98 103

25 - 35 24 - SO 30 34

Jaznalea Rum.... per gel 4s Brandy, Beat Brands Cotton, N Orleans . per lb 0

Balt ps•tre, l4ef... .peeest 44

Guano, Peravian. per ton 280 Tallow P. Y. C.-per cwt. 14 Town Rape Oil, Engtish relined 14 Brown 44 Unwed 011 "8

00e0D •na t 011 38

Palen Oil 40 Mooed per ton 200 Ould. , Metter if

Tees .

Seined. Monday. Tosotoo. Widows Mors.

96 ex d. 061 951 931


WI; end. 961

931 93* 061 atil 9 si 951 96 961 9E1 93* 951 961


- --

- - le* 181 227


--- 227 - shut 222 ex (1. - 2141 213 Teidow,


961 961 --- 101 216 - 40 40 33 37 38

-- 1004 - __ _ 1$ - 17 20 -