The Times gave prominency this week to a "report" that
"Sir John Young has been recalled, and Mr. Gladstone, the present Lord Com- missioner Extraordinary of the Ionian Islands, has been appointed Or- dinary Lord Commissioner in his place " ; with the obvious consequence that Mr. Gladstone will have to give up his seat for the University of Oxford for Ionian attractions. But the Daily Nave makes a much nearer approach to the probable truth— - " We believe that the speculations of a contemporary, of Mr. Gladstone's remaining for any length of time in the Ionian Wands, are entirely un- founded. Sir John Young's tenure of power there will almost immediately terminate, and pending the short interval between his departure and the arrival of a successor, Mr. Gladstone will, in a few days, receive the au- thority requisite for conducting the administration. But the right honour- able gentleman will, we learn, be in London in ample time to participate in the leading events of the session.