The following extracts are from a manifesto circulated by Sinn
Fein Irishwomen :-
" In all they [the Irish Volunteers] have done we, the women of Ireland, are with them and will be till the end.
We repudiate the calumnies of our enemies.
We will not tolerate the imputation that our heroic soldiers are a murder-gang.'
We rank with the world's bravest our men who fight against tremendous odds in face of the resources of an Empire.
We glory in their heroism under torture and in their deeds of valour in the field.
We know that Ireland's honour is safe in their hands.
The enemy violates all rules of civilized warfare by torturing and hanging prisoners of war and by refusing humane treatment to the wounded.
Our men, in spite of• the difficulties entailed by guerrilla tactics, adhere to the laws of civilization and humanity."
One would want to rub one's eyes if one were not accustomed to this kind of thing. Even some of the priests have stoutly denounced murder, but the women who wrote this manifesto have not a• word of condemnation for the worst of crimes. Rather they glory in it.