The Evening News last week published part of the salary-list
of the Ministry of Transport. It appears that this new and relatively small department has more highly paid officials than any other department. Sir Erie Geddes of course receives £5,000 a year. The Chairman of the Railway Advisory Com- mittee receives a like sum. The Ministry is divided into seven sections, and the total salaries of the seven officials at the head of these amount to £16,870. The directors of " Traffic " and " Civil Engineering " receive £3,000 a year, the director of " Finance and Statistics " £2,500, the director of " Roads " £2,300, the director of "Development" £2,070, and the directors of " Public Safety " and " Mechanical Engineering " £2,000. The chiefs of the older departments must look with envious eyes on the exceedingly comfortable posts provided by the new business-man Minister for his assistants. We presume that each of these gentlemen has a large staff of secretaries, clerks, and typists. We do not know how they employ their time or what services they can be said to render to their generous but impoverished country.