15 JANUARY 1954, Page 31


L4 Book token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct !Nation opened after noon on Tuesday week, January 26th, addressed Crossword, '9 Cower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post tliat day and Imo! bear the NUMBER of the puzzle. Solutions mast be on the form b eiow. and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner trill be published in the following issue./


24 25


1. Ito I It's all up. (5.)

2. Bat asleep over the water. (7.) 3. The worry of today. (8.) 4, Encouraged.' (5.) S. Where to find finer feet. (9.) Might a mask supply this piece of writing 7 (7.)


A CI% SS Displayed achievements out of the shell. (1O.) Take a chance with part of the paper

Zodiacal sign on another, it seems.

" Crook the pregnant hinges." (9.) Was his feast In rag-time 7 (9.) In a jolly 'manner it's frightening. (5.) Verdict of the sensitive on winter woollies. (5, 5.) " He gave to Misery all he had, a (Gray). (4.) The grip of sin. (4.) It makes the topper mine. (10.) " A green thought in a green (Marvell). (5.) One might have posed about a call. (9.) " Speak hands for me," it might say. (9.) Black by one alteration. (5.) " More an antique Roman than a -" (Shakespeare). (4.) A mother and a dusky mother.

(4, 3, 3.)



20, This craft is a bit of a shrew. (9.) Get off before Albert begin . (5.) Six take a scat and deer turn up In attendance. (9.) A sign of swordsmanship. (5, 4.) He sends Pan to sleep. (8.) Two fellows who translated Homer. (7.) Little devil tradition. (7.) " Stars of the summer night, Far In yon azure -" (Longfellow). (5.) Top of the morning little Abraham. (5.) He didn't illustrate his own work. so to speak. (5.)



