15 JANUARY 1972, Page 17

The Irish mess

Sir: It is interesting if unoriginal VOr The Spectator to decide that a united Ireland provides the final

solution to our problems. Glads tone and Asquith as well as every hedge politician south of the Border have had the same idea before. What methods would you use to persuade the people of Northern Ireland to vote themselves out of the United Kingdom? You have so far only expressed a hunch that the map of Ireland would look better painted green all over. Might I suggest that you tabulate your arguments, social, Political, and economic which seem to justify Ulster's secession from the United Kingdom'? When you have aone this, readers can ask themselves if any of the arguments do not apply with greater validity to the creation of a united British Isles. I can assure you that there is at least as much chance of the people in the Republic of Ireland voting Kingdom as there is of the people of Northern Ireland voting themselves out of it.

Henry Clark Henry Clark Rockwood, Upperlands, Co Kerry.