Impeach the PM!
From Mrs Isla M. Atherley Sir: I hope you are preparing a massive assault on the Government's infamous 'surrender to Europe ' policy. This policy literally stinks of treason, treachery and tyranny. No government has the right to surrender Queen and Country to foreign domination and to deprive the British people of the basic civil right of self-determination — especially without a direct mandate from the electorate. Surrender of sovereignty is explicit in the Treaty of Rome and, indeed, it is quite unrealistic to expect (as some people have been led to expect) that a permanent national veto would be maintained. On the contrary, a politically united European Community could only be built on the liquidation of nationstates and the concentration of power in one over-all European government. This situation is the logical and the intended consequence of adherence to the Treaty of Rome and an integrated European economy. Sir, this Treaty threatens the very existence of our country, the very survival of the British as a politically free people, free that is to be governed by persons of their own choosing. This surrender to foreign domination I call treason. Cannot the Prime Minister be impeached?
Isla M. Atherley Hazel Cottage, Church Lane, Charlbury, Oxford