Sir: Mr David Lazarus (Letters, January 1), who appears to
have an obsessional hatred for the Hain family, is hoist with his own petard. He quotes 'evidence,' against the Hains from the works of the South African S. E. D. Brown — a man so savagely rightwing that large numbers of Afrikaner Nationalists not only reject him but find him quite an embarrassment. Indeed, an examination of their published statements shows that even Mr Vorster is to the left of Mr Brown.
Thus for Mr Lazarus to base his case against the Hains on the bitter, Birchite opinions of Mr Brown is quite as futile as trying to discredit Mr Heath by quoting a Communist extremist. If Mr Lazarus has to resort to that sort of material, it shows that not only have the Hains little to fear from fair and balanced criticism but also that Mr Lazarus has publicly proclaimed his own impenetrable bias.
L. Clarke 26 Kensington Gate, London W8