15 JANUARY 1972, Page 18

Weather women

From Sir Graham Sutton it.ut Sir: I was surprised to read in ye Hugh Macpherson's Political Cuot mentary (January 1) that tr,w: Meteorological Office excluo`fer women from its staff. This. course, is completely wrong, riE anyone who listens to the 12:col weather forecasts from the Lone Weather Centre on Radio 4 c!M testify. When I was Directs General of the Office we ttir. women in all grades, from Sciear 1 ific Officer downwards.

I think the mistake must ha,"'er arisen from the fact that, wisVna the Meteorological Office does 11„lial ask its women staff to undertOne certain duties, e.g. night workpui isolated stations. But apart frc,ine these exceptions men and wonTle work on an equal footing in th Office. We have just had a won13,?ei appointed to the post of Directv.:o of the Royal Observatory. There

no reason why, in the future, should not have a lady Directe'pu General of the Meteorologieg Office.