The rejection by the Lorda of the guarantee-rate clause in
the Dundee Waterworks Bill proved fatal to that bill; for although it was passed in the House of Peers, with the promise on the part of the Tories, that next year (when there would be no election pending at Dundee) the rejected provision, or one equivalent to it, should be granted if it were found necessary, the alteration of a money-elatme rendered the reception of the bill lsy the Speaker impossible. Stirs as it was deemed advisable to make a heginning in the preseti year, another edition of the bill, minus the guarantee-rate, was intro. (breed on Wednesday; and, notwithstanding the reluctance of the Speaker to allow it, was, through the steadiness and tact of Mr. Csiet., MERS, Member for Forfar, pushed through the Commons ; carried up to the Peers on Thursday ; and finally passed last night. The result is, that, fur the sake of giving a fillip to the Tory candidate's hopelati cause, the righteous Peers will put the ,inhubitants of Dundee to large additional expense, and much future trouble, in their efforts to supply themselves with water. The circumstances connected with the conduct of the present and former Dundee Water Bills, furnish% rich illustration of the shameless system of jobbing in private business, which is the disgrace of the iiitish Parliament.