English Pleasure-Carriages, by W. B. ADAMS, deals with the past,
the present, and the future; investigating the origin and narrating the history of locomotion in former days, describing and criticizing existing vehicles, and promising to riders choicest joys through some discoveries the author has made and secured by patent. Tho rich will ride more luxuriously than ever, by means of "equirotal" wheels, and a new principle of locks, by which turning may be made easy ; whilst the draught will be lighter, the wear longer, and the form more graceful. Those who now travel by stage, will be able to post it by a single horse, with ease, speed, and comfort ; the riders in cabs shall no longer be exposed to mud or falls, or " the intrusive gaze of the foot passengers ;" the horses will have less to draw ; and, triumph of philanthropy ! the driver will he cared for—" he cannot possibly be thrown off by any jerk ; and when the vehicle stops, he can open the door and receive his fare with one hand, retaining his reins with the other." Even the lowest species of riders are not overlooked ; and a new class of 'busses is promised
to grace the advent of VICTORIA. • All these, end many other subjects, are handled with a zeal and gusto which render them interesting to us, and must be most attractive to those about to start a carriage. The clear descrip- tions and reasonings of the text are also accompanied by spirited sketches; but further we cannot speak. The critic can only pronounce on the book before him ; to decide on the merits of a locomotive, he must have a lift.