In addition to these, we have received (1.) from Mr.
BENTLEY a narrative of the ill-fated Expedition into the Interior of Africa, by the River Niger, in the Steam-Vessels Quorra and Alburkah ; which will obviously require a further notice. (2.) Mr. WALKER'S Philosophy of the Eye; being an exposition of the eye's mecha- nism, and of the phcenomena of vision, with a view to adders> evidence of design ; the necessity for recurring to which is not at present so clear—who, now-a-days, doubts that the means of ea. tare are adapted to the end ? (3.) Mr. COLBURN should know that Snarley-Yow, or the Dog Fiend, a story by MARRYAT, now none of the freshest. We remember having seen parts of it, in the Metropolitan, at least eighteen months ago; and, if our memory does not deceive us, we have read large extracts from it h the American newspapers, saying nothing of reviews, or notice; that pass for such, in journals nearer home.