15 JULY 1837, Page 2

‘Brbatest ant prouttitilii in Vadiament.


Lord DUNCANNON moved the Lords, on Thursday, to read this bid a second time. He stated that its object was—

To give facilities to those persons who had not exercised their franchise under the Reform of Parliament Bill, by giving them an extension of the time in

which they were called upon to pay their rates. At the present moment, as MUNICIPAL ACT AMENDMENT BILL. On the motion of Lord their Lordships were aware, every elector who was called upon to exercise his WYNFORD, the Peers, on Tuesday, refused to concur in the amend. franchise must pay the rates up to the time they were due. By this bill it was ments of the Commons to this bill; and a Committee was appointed to proposed, that having been once on the register, they should be entitled to vote draw up reasons for discerning from the other House.

though they should be in arrear six months as to payment of taxes.

Lord REDESDALE said, that this measure would extend the elective THE MILITIA BALLOT BILL W8 read a franchise very materially. It was an innovation on the Reform Act, the House of Commons, on Monday. which he felt bound to resist : be would therefore move that the bill be POST.OFFICE. In reply to a question from Mr. WALLACE, On MOB. read a second time that day three months. day, Mr. FRANCIS BARING said, that a new morning coach from Lon.. The Marquis of WESTMINSTER hoped that Lord Duncannon would don to Manchester had been established, but only for foreign letters press his motion— and letters and newspapers for Ireland. This arrangement would only He had always considered (though he had ever been a stanch supporter of last till the London and Birmingham Railway was opened. the Reform Bill) that the ratepaying clause, requiring taxes to be paid up to THE Lonna JUSTICES BILL was read a first time on Monday, and a the moment, was a great blemish in that measure; but this bill went to remove second time on Tuesday. that practical evil. It would be showing the greatest possible contempt for the On Wednesday, on the motion for going into Committee on the Bill, wishes of the People to throw out this bill. He should be sorry if Lord Dun- Colonel THOMPSON said— cannon should withdraw his motion ; and, in that case, if he stood alone, he Before the Speaker left the chair, he must make some observations, which et would divide the House.

Lord Barn:coax strongly approved of the bill— had not been in another place by the directions of those he was bound to attend Experience had proved that a vast multitude of persons, whom it was intended to. The tendency of the present bill, and of the mode in which it was pro. to vest with the Parliamentary franchise, were, by the ratepaying clause, de- seeded with, seemed to be to hurry through Parliament the decision of the im. prived of that advantage, not from their unwillingness to pay the rates and portant question, whether, under the actual circumstances of the country, tie taxes op to a certain period, but from a temporary inability to do so. This bill acceptance of a foreign throne ought not, in expediency and justice, to form a dill not in any way affect the principle of the Reform Bill, or of those powers bar to the succession to the throne of this country? He was perfectly aware, which it %vas iuteuded to obtain for the voters under that bill ; it only mitigated and so were the people behind him, that this was a question the combined he- the severity of the present enactments. gislature of this country was competent to examine. And he knew, too, that Lord HARROWBY said, this bill would effect a main alteration in the great masses of the people of this country had grown up in the belief that the Reform Act, which had been declared to be a final measure by many constitution did not labour under the defect of necessitating or admitting such of those who introduced it. an evident anomaly. It was known to all, that no foreign prince nor potentate final measure. iu such a manner, and at such a period of the session.

had been unable to vote within the time prescribed by law. of ten per cent. upon The whole of the capital, which by an order of the Houle must he subscribed for previous to the introduction of a hill, shall be deposited Lord REDESDALE was surprised at the cool manner in which Lord in the Bank of Englaud, with the view of giving security that the undertaking Duncannon had moved the second reading of this monstrous bill—a bill is of a bond fide character.

brought forward at the eve of an election, to affect the electoral system of Ireland. The bill should be called the Dublin and Cork Election Bill: it was a disgraceful job, and intended to give additional power, at ELECTION MOVEMENTS.

the termination of a Parliament, to the tyrant majority of the other BANBURY. Mr. F. Pigott, a second Radical candidate, has appeared. House. BOSTON. Sir James Duke, one of the Sheiiffe of London, hopes Lord LANSDOWNE said that the phrase " tyrant majority" might well to succeed Mr. Wilks. have been spared. They had been informed by a message from the BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Mr. Robert George Smith will try to get one other House, that the only clauses to which any party objection could out of three seats for this county, on the Whig interest. attach had been left in the bill by mistake ; and the measure, as it now got: roe. Mr. Bolling declines reelection. Mr. Edmund Ash. stood, was simply to increase the number of polling-places in two Irish worth is the Liberal candidate to supply his place ; and the Tories

counties. have applied to Mr. Ridgway of Wallsuches.

who had the franchise the means of exercising it. former. In his address to the electors, he says— rejected, by 74 to 36. vile place have cost him I6,000/.

Marquis of WESTMEATH moved for copies of correspondence between N‘igrie the numbers were as follows—

bitnself and the Secretary for Ireland, relative to the appointment of

Westmeath. The Marquis took the opportunity to make a series of Faithful 467

authority, and with inviting Mr. O'Connell to Dublin Castle. Lord terial loss.

third time 8114 passed by


should have made the day before, when the bill was read a second time, if he

could have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, preeminence, or authority,

A division took place : for the second reading, 55 ; against it, 66. No reply was made to these observations : the bill went through the s. himself with spirit ; and was seconded by Lord BROUGHAM and the Marquis of Lateswower.. There was netting new of any moment in. troduced into thisliscussion. The topics and manner of treating them must have become familiar to the readers of the Parliamentary debates this session. The motion, being merely one of form, was carried without a division.