Lord REDESDALE persisted in designating the measure as one in-
BURY. Sergeant Spank ie. it is said, will be invited by the Tories; Lord BROUGHAM said, that the bill was as much a matter of course .. I am decidedly in favour of Triennial Parliaments and the Vote by Ballot Sold as unobjectionable as any bill could possibly be. —the sole measure which can inure the flee exercise of the elective franchise, The Duke of RICHMOND thought that, if this bill was rejected, the the brightest gem in our glorious constitution, and rescue the tenant from the Peers might as well tell the people of Ireland to fight their way up to unconstitutional power of the landlord." the poll. BARNSTAPLE. Mr. John Lewis Newnham and Mr. J. P. Chi- The Earl of RADNOR wished the bill had been brought in at an chester are the Liberal candidates. Does Major Fancourt stead earlier period ; but the delay was no excuse for disfranchising electors. again ? A Mr. Henry Gompertz is a Tory candidate. A division took place ; and the motion for the second reading was BEVERLEY. Captain Burton declares that his two elections for this THE BILLS OF EXCHANGE BILL was read a third time Oil Monday, BLACKBURN. Mr. James Simpson has been applied to by the and passed on Tuesday. Liberals, but refuses to stand : it were well, however, for:Mr. Simpson THE BILLS FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE CRIMINAL LAW went to he in Parliament. trough Committees of the Lords on Monday and Tuesday, with cer- BRIGHTON. A considerable portion of the Radicals refuse to sup-
to them. by Mr. George Faithful and his friends. Mr. Faithful recommends
that even the Tory candidate, Sir Adolphus Dalrymple, should be see- :,. THE IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT BILL Was postponed on Tuesday, ported in preference to Pechell or Wigney ; and there appears to be a by Lord Chancellor COTTENHAM, to the next session of the next probability that, without a chance of Eliot's return, the schism in the
y 523
Pechell 961
charges on Lord Midgrave ; whom he charged with abusing the prem. If the second votes of the Faithful party are given to Dalrymple, the
supported Lord Westmeath's accusations. Lou' MULGEAVE defended of triumph, that Sir Francis Goodricke, having tried this berellOh)
• . found it impregnable. But as the Whig Sir TLo.nas Wilmington has
fad the command of it for some time, and was returned by the worthy electors to the last and the present Parliament without opposition, we do not exactly see the cause of Whig rejoicing at the alleged repulse of Goodricke. The place remains in statu quo, with its 300 electors. BATH. The Tories are doing all in their power to corrupt a consti- tuency hitherto reckoned pure and independent. Hot suppers are given every night, and no doubt plenty of money is distributed also. 11r. Roebuck is fighting a hard battle with characteristic spirit ; and of his ultimate success there would be no doubt, but for the diversion created by Captain Scobell, the Whig candidate, who hopes to get in by means of Tory split votes.
BRIDGEWATER. Mr. Courtenay and Mr. Broadwood oppose Mr. Sheridan and Mr. Tynte.
CUMBERLAND. Sir JamesGraliam, in a third address to the electors of the Eastern Division, says he has discovered that several unregis- tered persons have signed the requisition to Major Aglionby and Mr. James, and that half of those who signed it believed that they were calling on Major Aglionby alone to come forward and disapprove of the extreme opinions of Mr. James. The Carlisle Journal says- " That some have signed the requisition who are not upon the register, is, we believe, true, and can be easily explained. Men who are possessed of ample freeholds, which they knew formerly entitled them to to vote, are not easily persuaded that they have now no vote unless previously registered. A few such, we believe, signed the requisition ; and as It was no easy matter, on the spur of the moment, to trace through the 4,600 names in that mass of confusion called a register, the error was not discovered until too late to be rectified. But what do they amount to? Dare Sir James venture to name the number so circumstanced ? No; for it would too plainly exhibit the weakness of the teed on which he relies to save him from drowning. The number is, in truth, so incunsiderable, that even Sir James would be ashamed to name it as a ground for invalidating the importance of the requisition."
Mr. Howard, of Greystoke, Chairman of the Liberal Committee, has put forth as handbill, declaring that the names of " F. Aglionby " end " W. James " were conspicuously printed at the top of every copy of the requisition, offered for signature. Mr. James is the same as in ISA when Sir James Graham gave him his most " cordial support " at an election for Carlisle. Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Sir James Graham's brother.in-law, has intimated his intention not to support Sir James. CHELTENHAM. Mr. joinithan Peel has announced himself as an opponent of Mr. Craven Berkeley ; and the Tories are resolved to make a desperate effort to rid themselves of what they call the
" Berkeley despotism."
CA 101 ART II ENSHISE. Mr. Jones of Ystrad will oppose the Whig Sir James Williams. The Courier says Mr. Jones " makes a most unjustifiable handle of the Poor-law." COCK ERNIOUTII. Mr. Horaman stands again. Cuien ESTER. The Globe gives the following account of electioneers ing proceedings here. "The three candidates in the field for this city, Lord Arthur Lennox, John Abel Smith, and J. M. Cobhett, Esqrs. all agreed to start on the canvass on Tuesday morning at ten o'clock. Lord Arthur was attended by Messrs. John- son and Raper, solicitors ; Mr. Smith, by Mr. John D. Newland, solicitor ; and Mr. Cohbett, by Mr. Sherwood, solicitor. The result of the canvass the tint was certainly in favour of the two latter candidates. The promises are kelit back by many of the voters. It is the general opinion that Mr. Smith may he at the head of the poll, and that the contest will he sharp between Lord Arthur and Mr. Cubbett.'
COLCH ESTER. Mr. J. R. 'Podd, a London wine-merchant, formerly Member for Honiton, is the Liberal candidate. Mr. Saunderson and Sir 0. H. Smith stand again on the Tory interest. The constituency are well pleased : they have got their " third man."
Durmast. Sir William Chaytor has put down 1,0001. towards the cost of his own election for the Northern Division. Lord William Powlett is the Tory candidate for the Southern Division. At a meeting of the North Durham Reformers, it was resolved to ask the advice of Lord Durham respecting the course they should pur- sue; and Mr. Russell Bowlby communicated the wish of the meeting to his Lordship, who wrote the following letter in reply.
". London, July 8,1837.
" Eir—I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the :oh instant, in which you inform me of the proceedings of the electors of the Ninth Division of the county of Durham, at the meeting held on that day, and expre.s a desire to ascertain may sentiments on the subject then brought under their consideration.
" In the first place, the nomination of a candidate should be the spontaneous act of the electors and ought not to arise from any influence or recommendation of mine. Secondly, a recurrence to the poll ought to lie dependent on a strict examination of the registration returns. If the result of that inquiry gives you, DS you state, a majority of 700 votes, or even a certain majority of a lesser amount, you ought unquestionably to enter into the contest; and you shall have every support that I can constitutionally give you. On whichever side rests the majority, it ought to be wholly, not partially, represented. If it is Liberal, by two Liberals ; if Tory, by two Tories ; for I am decidedly opposed to all coin- proini-ies tending to place the representation in political abeyance. " This is not a moment when supineness or apathy can be tolerated. On the energies and determination of the Liberal party in all classes depend the desti- nies of the empire. A most glorious opportunity now presents itself of strengthening that great cause of reform and amelioration to which we have liven so long devoted. A new reign has commenced. Our Sovereign, with all the cordial confidence of an open heart and generous feeling, has placed herself unreservedly in the hands of a Liberal Government. Let us by our exertions justify that step, and add to their means of efficiently servingg her Ma. rty. Let us unite round her throne all that is good, and wise, and patriotic DI the empire. Let our watchwords be—' The Queen and Liberty ! ' The Queen and the Constitution ! ' The Queen and Reform !' Whatever prin- ciples are most dear to us, most deeply implanted in the hearts of the People of England, may be, without reservation, identified with the name of the Sovereign. Edue ited by one of the best and wisest of her sex, her illustrious mother, our Queen knowi that no throne is so secure as that which is based on the affections of its subjects—no crown site so lightly or so gracefully as that on which are harmo- niously blended the liberties of the People and the prerogatives of the Mo- a achy.
" As fur myself—as you have done me the honour, by desire of the meeting, !? ess,4 my advice, I will tell you candidly what my views are. They are what ) have ever been, and are neither changed nor modified. I wish to rally as Liege a portion of the British people as possible around the existing institutions of the country—the Throne, Lords, Commons, and the Established Church. I du not swish to make new institutions, but to preserve and strengthen the old. Herein lies the difference between me and my opponent,. Some would confine the advantages of those institutions to as small a class as possible. I would throw them open to all who had the ability to comprehend them and the vigour to protect them ! Others, again, would annihilate them for the purpose of forms- hag new ones on fanciful and untried principles. I would, 1 repeat, preserve them, but increase their efficiency, and add to the number of their supporters. I have often stated the modes by which, as I imagine, that efficiency can be most readily produced ; but I have ever accompanied those declarations, as I do now, with the announcement of my determination never to force them peremptorily or dogmatically on the consideration of the Government or the Parliament. if they are (as in my conscience I believe them to be) useful and salutary measures —for they are based on the most implicit confidence in the loyalty and good feeling of the people—the course of events, and the experience of every day, aria remove the objections and prejudices which may now exist, and insure their adoption whenever they are recommended by the deliberate and determined voice of the people. " This, in a few words, is my political creed ; and no one can look for my co- operation or support on any other grounds. It has been my ruling principle throughout my political life, to endeavour to bring all classes—especially the middle and lower—within the pale of the true, not the spurious, constitution. 1 have ever wished to give the latter an interest in the preservation of privileges, which exclusion would no longer render obnoxious to them ; to make theta feel that whilst the Crown enjoyed its prerogatives, and the upper classes their honours, they also were invested with privileges most valuable to them ; and, moreover, that all, separately and collectively, rested on the common basis of national utility. " I remain, Sir, with great regard, your most obedient servant, "Russell Bowlby," Esq. &c. "DURHAM." DEVONSHIRE. Mr. Croker Bulteel, Lord Grey's son.in-law, has offered himself for the Southern Division. He is a popular man, and the Whig papers pretend that he is likely to prove a formidable com- petitor to Mr. Montague Parker ; but is he a better candidate for the Liberals than Lord John Russell, Secretary of State, and son of the owner of Tavistock?
DERBYSHIRE. Mr. Gisborne retires from the Northern Division, in consequence of ill health ; but be has provided a candidate for the Liberals in the person of his brother- in.law, Mr. William Evans, a man of influence and property, and much liked in Derbyshire. Mr. Evans is a supporter of the Ballot ; and we heartily wish him success against the Tory Mr. Arkwright, who seems to have little but his name to recommend him. Mr. Gisborne, in his farewell address to the electors, laments that bodily indisposition should compel him to retire from public life, " with undiminished mental vigour." He parts, however, on the best terms with his old constituents- " I have this comfort," he says, " WE PART FRIENDS. You have not driven me away from you. You have not made my seat uncomfortable by your complaints, nor expensire by your unreasonabkness, nor insecure by your want of' zeal."
Few Members can honestly say as much. Mr. Gisborne is going abroad for some months : when he returns, we dare say there will be an opening for his readmission into the House of Commons. Sir George Crewe has changed his mind, and will not resign ; but Sir Roger Greisley has been inspired to bolt. Mr. Francis Hurt will be his successor ; so that South Derbyshire will still be repre- sented by two Tories.
Dnorrivicet. There will be no Whig gain here as was expected. Mr. Galion has resigned ; and Mr. Pakington will walk over the course. It is rumoured that cash has been unsparingly applied. There are twenty electors in this nicely-balanced constituency ready to vote for the highest bidder. EAST NORFOI.K. The Whig landlords are doing their best for Gurney and Windham. Sir Windham Dulling gives his interest to Windham ; but will the Tory solicitor and Tory steward of Sir Windham Palling allow their employers' wishes to have due or rather undue influence ? General Meade, brother-in-law of Sir Wind- ham, will go great lengths to favour the 'fury candidates. It is dis- gusting to see how completely this contest is one between two sets of landlords. We care not a rush which wins.
FINSBURY. We hear nothing of the Tories here, and hope that the present Members will not have to encounter an opposition frivolous, vexatious, and expensive. FLINT BOROUGHS. Mr. R. J. 3Iostyn, whose address leads us to suspect him of Toryism, is a candidate; Sir R. Glynne leaving the Boroughs to contest the County with Mr. E. Mostyn.
GUILFORD. Major York Scarlett is the intrepid person who aspires to be returned by the men who also support Baring Wall. Mr. Mangles, the Whig Member, is canvassing ; with what success, it would lie difficult to say till the day of pulling. GLOUCESTER. Mr. Phillpotts, brother of " Henry Exeter," will try to eject Captain Berkeley from Gloucester. Phillpotts is an uncertain politician, but will probably receive a good many Radical as well as Tory votes. We cannot tell on which side of the House he would take his seat, but should guess that he would join the Tories.
Hess. The Reformers have resolved to reelect Mr. Hutt free of expense. Several persons, including Mr. George Rennie and Mr. Morrison, were talked of as his colleagues ; but we now learn from the Hull Advertiser, that it was unanimously determined on Thursday, at a meeting of 2,000 electors, to support Mr. Benjamin Wood, brother of Alderman Wood, a thoroughgoing Reformer, and clever man of business. Sir Walter James and Mr. Wilberforce are the Tory candidates.
HEI.sFONE. Mr. A. Buller, brother of the Member for Litkeard, opposes Lord Cantelime.
HUDDERSFIELD. Mr. W. R. C. Stansfield, of Esholt Hall, is the Whig candidate. While he was addressing the electors on Friday last, a fire broke out in the market-place, and interrupted the pro- ceedings.
HAMPSHIRE. In the Southern Division, Sir George Staunton and Admiral Ommaney will oppose Fleming and Compton. KIDDERMINSTER. A Whig candidate has appeared in the person of Mr. Bagshaw, M. P. for Sudbury. ( Is Sudbury to be lost to the Whigs ?) Money must have been raised somehow. Godson shakes a little.
LONDON. At a meeting of the City Liberals, held on Monday evening at the London Tavern, resolutions to support the four sitting Members at the next election were passed unanimously. Mr. John Travers, the chairman, promised success as the tenon' of exertio3, and especially of union- " You must have men who are thoroughly and deeply imbued with the spirit sf Reform, who are really the representatives of the Liberal interests of this city ; but, on the other hand, you must not be too overweening in your expec- tations of any man, or any set of men whatever. You have never been able yet to find two things precisely similar ; you never have heard of two watches which went exactly alike : how then can you find one man to represent all your opinions—your mixed opinions?—and how is it likely that you can find four men of that stamp ? Therefore, gentlemen, do not expect too much of any man. Take the broad, intelligent, liberal cast of character, exacting too much from no man, but leaving a little to bis discretion. Do not be too hard upon them—expect them to do their duty, in the gener ,1 acceptation of the word, and repose some confidence in them. The simple question to be put to yourselves is, whether your present Members—ler to them I look with the greatest confidence myself—whether they have in times which are now passing away done their duty faithfully and honourably, and with the best intentions Sowards you. I tell you, gentlemen, that my individual opinions are, that no constituency was ever blest with men who so faithfully and entirely devoted themselves to the interests of the:r constituents. (Load cheers.) No men lave laboured so closely or wirli so much talent, on your behalf—for I know '.heir public characters intimately."
A liberal and el:lightened Sovereign was on the throne- " We cannot nii.tl,e her disposition or her character. She has purged that mart which set ruunds her of many impurities. This is a pledge of her future good conduct and of her liberal disposition towards the community at large. honestly believe that she has the good-will and interest of her people at heart. I et then, be liberal too. Let us support her in that spirit of liberality which she has herself avowed. She has set the good example of forming a tenet of such purity, of such high character and station, as has never existed before in my recollection. With so good an example in high quarters, we are Hound to follow it. Let us be liberal ; let us be loyal ; let us prove by our united exertions, by sending upright and conscientious men to represent us, that we are grateful and anxious to testify our sense of gratitude."
Alderman Wood, in returning thanks, rested his claims for support on his past services ; promised renewed exertion ; and said that though his hair was grown gray, he felt himself still able to perform the duties of Member for London.
Mr. Grote delivered an admirable speech, going the full length of his known opinions, without the least appearance of violence or extra- vagance,—mild, firm, and free from exaggeration either in tone or sub- stance. He said that the period of the approaching dissolution seemed to him seasonable and appropriate-
" The Parliament has now lasted three sessions, and this is quite long enough, lc my view of the case, for any Parliament to last. (Much cheering.) The present Parliament will have been what all Parliaments ought to be, a Trien- nial Parliament ; and I should be very glad if I could venture to hope that no future Parliament would ever last longer. After a Member has retained pos- session of the important trust reposed in him for three years, it is high time that the judgment of the constituency should again be passed upon him, be it favourable or adverse. It is both the duty and the privilege of the people, gentlemen, at this important season, to note what has been the conduct of their Representatives, and what has been the gain to the cause of progressive reform during the past three years. Now, how stands the fact on this question? Have the legislative improvements of the last three years been equal to that which the People might justly and reasonably expect from three years' work of a Reformed Parliament ? I am bound to state, that in my view of the case they have not been so. Certainly, some important measures have been passed ; but, taking the aggregate result of the three last sessions, and trying the Parliament by tire standard of its works, I regard it as having fallen short of the legitimate hopes and expectations of the People. I shall not stop to examine bow much of this defective result is to be ascribed to causes over which Lord Melbourne's Illinistry have had no control, and how much to a want of sufficient popular spirit and energy on the part of the Mi- nistry themselves. The present is not a fit time nor a fit place for entering into such a discussion. I am here to explain my own past conduct ; and in this view of the case, I may venture to assert that each of those particular legislative measures on which the title of the present Parliament to public gratitude is founded has had my sincere and cordial support. I consider that the English Municipal Reform Bill, the best as well as the earliest measure of Lord Melbourne's Ministry, is the great achievement which has been made to the cause of good government during the present Parliament. Nor do I forget the reduction of the stamp. duty on newspapers passed last session ; a measure imperfect in point of extent, yet tending towards the best and highest of all ends—the diffusion of knowledge and active discussion among the People. The English Tithe Commutation Bill, and tore Registration of Births and Marriages, are beneficial products of the last
session. But I am sorry to say that the present session, though it has exhi• bited to us one very excellent proposition respecting the abolition of Church- rates, has been altogether unfruitful as to the result ; nay, it has produced one result, II Bich is worse than nothing—the resolutions for appropriating the revenues of Lower Canada without the consent of the Canadian people ; reso- lutions in my judgment unjust and unconstitutional, and to which I offered a decided opposition."
The election would take place under peculiar circumstances-
" We are at the cominencenient of a new reign, under a youthful Queen : it is a reign which promises to be both long and auspicious, and I fervently hope that the promise may be realized. It is neither my disposition nor my duty as a Representative of the People to indulge in the language of flattery ; but I may call to mind, with satisfaction and confidence, repeating the sentiments of the Chairman, that this Princess has received an education of unusual care and rsgilance under the anxious superintendence of a discreet and estimable mother ; and there is every reason to hope that her sentiments and character will be deeply impressed with that liberality and sympathy for the People which such a tuition is calculated to impart. We may now confidently reckon that a Liberal
Ministry will not be checked or hampered by any repugnancies in the highest quarter, nor by inauspicious influence within the circle of the Court. This will impart additional strength to Lord Melbourne's Ministry, but it will add in an equal degree to their responsibility. I earnestly hope that they will lay this
to heart, and act accordingly. I earnestly hope that the position which Lord Melbourne has acquired at Court, will only prove an increased stimulus to his Ministry to act with vigour and animation in the cause of the People. For if, unhappily, it should turn out otherwise—if their newly.acquired predominance at Court should tend to divorce them from the People—then will the ac- guisitlon prove only a snare and a delusion, terminating, after a short career of fancied security, in their own ruin, and in the triumph of their opponents." -
Mr. Grote alluded to the Tory candidate, Mr. Horsley Palmer-
" Gentlemen, you are aware that a fiftWeendidate has been started for the air. preaching election, in opposition to your present four Members. Of that gen- tleman I mean to speak in the highest terms of respect ; for I have the pleasure of being personally acquainted with him, and I know him to be a man both of irreproavhable honour and excellent understanding. But, while I freely ado* his title to the fullest measure of personal esteem, I may still be permitted re ask, why he comes forward on the present occasion ? On what ground loathe rest his pretensions to the preference of the constituency of London, in oppee, tion to the existing four Members? If I had no means of discovering what is the intent of Mr. Palmer'. coming forward except the information contained is his published address, I must confess I should be greatly at a loss to find it out, Mr. Palmer professes, indeed, to come forward as a commercial representative, with no reference to party politics. But who can possibly believe that this the real view of those who put him forward ? Are not your present Represee, tatives commercial representatives also? ( Cheers.) Are they not men s well acquainted with the trade and commerce of London, and possessing deep a stake in its prosperity, as Mr. Palmer, or any other gentleman? I bare no disposition to question Mr. Painter's judgment and knowledge on commer. vial topics, but I do assert, that neither he nor any one else has had the sliglete reason to find fault with your present Representatives fur want of knowledge, or for want of attention, on such matters. No, gentlemen—the party who bring forward Mr. Palmer require hirer not as a commercial representative, but as political representative. It is the same Conservative party who formerly brought forward Mr. Ward and Mr. Lyall, who are now bringing forward 3Ir. Palmer. It is the same Conservative party who are now striving, in the per. son of Mr. Palmer, to regain that seat in the City representation of which they were dispossessed at the last election in the person of Mr. Lyall. Let no man mistake the character of the contest it is political, and nothing else, Gentlemen, I am far from disputing that Mr. Horsley Palmer has the fullest right to stand for the representation of the City, if he is so disposed; but I wish the electors to comprehend clearly the point upon which they are now to decide, and to tear aside that flimsy veil of political indecision arid neutrality which Mr. Palmer has been persuaded to adopt. The language of Mr. Palmer is exactly that of Sir Robert Peel : it is the dislike of all serious and effeetire reform covered with the varnish of affected moderation. There are but three conceivable lines of political feeling at the present day,—those who think that the present Ministers have attempted too much in the way of reform ; those who think that they have not done enough ; and those who think that they have done enough and no more. To which of these does Mr. Palmer belong? I say unhesitatingly, that be belongs to the first. He stands on the same line with Sir Robert Peel ; he thinks that the present Ministers have attempted too much in the way of reform ; and if the electors of the city of London should discard any one of the present Members to make room for Mr. Palmer, they would pronounce the same opinion. They would be lending their aid to arrest the march of reform, which they have, up to this moment, so powerfully and so effectively sustained. I cannot believe for a moment that they will thus turn their backs upon their former judgment ; I cannot believe that they will can. demo the Reform Act to barrenness and decrepitude; I cannot believe that they will sanction the idea of replacing the country under the stagnant and hopeless dominion of a Conservative Ministry. Let them never forget that the present contest is in substance just the same as the last, with the substitution of the name of Palmer in place of Ward or Lyall."
Mr. Crawford then addressed the meeting. Parts of his speech et. cited disapprobation- " After the eloquent address which has been made to this assembly by my honourable colleague, I hope I shall satisfy this meeting by saying there is very little that has fallen from him in which I do not agree ; there is a great deal is which I do most cordially agree, and especially in his desire for the promotion oi education throughout this land, as well as in the neighbouring kingdom of Ireland. (A cry of "What do you say to the Ballot and Triennial Podia. ments?") I am glad you have asked my opinion on the Ballot; my vote is my opinion. I never have stated to any party that I have made up any mind to vote for the Ballot. I remain in the same situation still. (Murmurs.) I do not mean to say I never will vote for the Ballot ; but I do say that I confine of the opinion I expressed by my vote during the last session of Parliali ent, that it is inexpedient the change should be made now. (Cries of " Hear, hear 1 " and expressions of disapprobation.) I will tell you further—when an abstract proposition is made in the House of Commons, which appears to me to be more calculated to advance the popularity of an individual than to be pro. ductive of any practical result to the country, I do not say that I should support it. ("Hear, hear " and hissing.) I should be doing an injustice to myself —I should not maintain the position which I ought to maintain among you willing, as I hope you are, to allow for shades of difference in mett's opinions- if I did not honestly, fearlessly, and candidly state the opinions which guide my conduct. Is there any other subject on which you should wish to bear my opinion ? " Triennial Parliaments.") I thank that gentleman, for it enables me to correct an expression that just dropped from me, because I hate no intention of alluding personally to any individual. If the motion made by Mr. Grote had been carried out, it would have been essentially car ried out. It was a resolution to the effect that the votes in future should be taken It Ballot, and therefore there was a substantive question. With regard to Trier. nial Parliaments, the motion was altogether of a different character—it win that Septennial Parliaments should cease. It could be productive of no rec• tical good whatever at thatperiod of time—(Hisses)—in my opinion. (44 Hear, hear ") I fearlessly profess myself an advocate for the shorter duratioza Parliaments. ( Cheers.) I am willing to take that subject into consideration as a whole, and not to deal with it in parts ; and if an opportunity should era be afforded me, I am convinced I shall not disappoint the conetitueucy in the expectation I lead them to entertain of me. It is impossible you should meet from any man—you can never expect it from me—that I should be the adieus of any of the extreme views in politics that now influence the minds of ram men. My opinions are the opinions essentially of a man convinced that theta. stitutions of our country in church and state require great reform ; and to dist reform I will cordially give my sanction on any proper occasion, if I have the honour of a seat in Parliament." ( Cheers.) Mr. Pattison expressed his entire concurrence in all that Mr. Grote had said- " I need not allude to any votes ; they are well known to you by the nisi• ruble system that is now adopted by the House of Commons. ( Cheers. ) 1 no' dertook in my address, on a former occasion, to vote for Liberal measures, sod I believe none of you will say that I have shrunk from that undertaking. ( Cheers) In my address to the constituency of the city of London,, I said I would sop port the Ballot. I have voted for the Ballot. I have not done it to curry ft. your with my constituents ; but I have done it from a conviction that the Ballot is absolutely necessary. (Loud cheering.) I have voted for the repel of the Septennial Act. I think the repeal of that act is very desirable, and I should prefer Triennial Parliaments to Septennial. The question as to house hold suffrage has never been brought to a vote in the House of Commons; but I do not hesitate in telling you, that if it had been brought to a vote, I shook have voted for it. I have thus briefly enumerated what I have done; eat trust I have not deceived you by any of my professions. I trust and It Hey°, if I know myself, that if you return me again to Parliament, you mg find me continuing in the same path, supporting, as I trust I do, the real feel, ings and views of this great country. One word more ; I believe, gentlemen, b1 this day week, or to-morrow week, we shall all be turned adrift : therefore, let one beg of you, although 'perhaps you will think it impertinent is men say so, that when you go home, if you are determined to return Reform blew
hers, you will make up your minds to be on the alert, and to be active."
Several gentlemen spoke in support of the candidates ; and after thanks had been voted to the Chairman, the meeting separated. LAMBETH. A numerous body of the Lumbeth Reformers assem- bled at the Horns Tavern at Kennington on Wednesday evening. Mr. Tennyson D'Eyncourt and Mr. Ilawes were present. Mr. D'Eyn- court professed himself favourable to Household Suffrage, Ballot, Triennial Parliaments, and an alteration of the Poor-law. He indig- nantly disclaimed the imputation of being a Whig. Mr. Hawes ex- pressed general approbation of the Poor-law ; be was decidedly opposed to Universal Suffrage. He referred to his past conduct, and declared himself unchanged.
We confess that we look with suspicion on the democratic ardour of Mr. D'Eyncourt it by no means coincides with his courtly and
convenient conduct towards the aristocratic parties in the House of Commons. We have, on the contrary, the fullest reliance
that Mr. Hawes will act up to his professions in and out of Parlia- ment. That gentleman's course in public life ought to secure him the confidence and support of his constituents. He is one of the few
really. useful and well-informed Members ; regular, attentive, and ready in the conduct of public business, and completely independent. Of his reelection, by a large majority, we entertain no doubt.
The friends of the Tory candidate, Mr. Charles Baldwin, are not remiss. They have had several meetings, and are active in their can- vass. Mr. Baldwin himself solicits votes ; and we understand "does the thing" well. Against an unexceptionable Reformer Mr. Baldwin would have no chance; against Mr. D'Eyncourt, who spouts Radi- calism in Lambeth and acts Whiggery in St. Stephen's, lie may per- haps contend with some prospect of success. A fourth candidate, Mr. R. G. Welford, of Stockwell, has addressed the electors, and may create a diversion favourable to the Tory. Of the present Mem- bers, Mr. Welford says-
" Mr. Tennyson D'Eyncourt is an aristocrat, and is no man of business; he might make an excellent Peer, or valuable County Member, but the people of Lambeth can never be truly represented by a man of his class. Democracy in the elective body of England is not so strong as to entitle us to choose any man who is nut in heart a Democrat : our Representatives should be identified in interest with the struggling man of business, the over-taxed tradesman, and the oppressed workman. " Mr. Ilawes is a man of business, but his Liberalism is hesitating and re- luctant. As the Whigs require to be stimulated by the .pressure of more earnest Liberals, so Mr. Hawes demands decided demonstrations from his con- stituents to keep him up to the spirit of the times. Ile reproaches them fur not petitioning ; he asks the support of constant agitation, and, instead of being somewhat in advance of public opinion, he hangs back until he finds himself in danger of falling into the rear, and then advances far enough to secure the support ut the timid and the selfish. Mr. Ilawes may re-
present the opulent class of traders to which he belongs, but ho is haunted by those unfounded fears and weak jealousies of the people which have been en- gendered by the oppressions and dclmions of the aristocracy. Notwithstand- mg all this, I believe Mr. Hawes truly represents a large class of the present electors of Lambeth."
It is a libel on Mr. Hawes to say that his " Liberalism is hesitating and reluctant :" he is a supporter of the Ballot, Triennial Parliaments, a Property-tax, and Free 'Prude generally, in corn as well as other things. Mr. Welford professes to lie an especial friend of the People- " I know that, in speaking thus plainly, I shall be assailed by the factious shout of You are playing the game of the Tories.' For that I care not. The cry of trod' has bean raised too often to affect me with alarm. I am try- ing to make the People play their own game; and I well know that, if I succeed in that object., both the Whig and Tory aristocracy must surrender all their usurped power. The People have been puppets in the hands of the two aristo- cratic fictions long enough, they must now use their power for their own good."
LIVERPOOL. Mr. Howard Elphinstone has been well received in Liverpool. A great meeting of the Liberals was held in the Amphi- theatre on Friday last ; and resolutions in favour of Mr. Ewart and AIL Elphinsione were carried unanimously. Mr. James Braticker alluded with much feeling to Mr. Ewart's domestic calamity, and pledged himself to do his " very best " for Mr. Ewart. The meeting agreed mot cordially with Mr. Brancker ; and there were loud expressions of indignation at the foul calumnies which, Mr. Brancker said, the Tories had been spreading against Mr. Ewart, taking u scoundrelly advantage of his absence. However, Mr. Ewart would soon be among them to answer for himself. Mr. Elphinstone spoke at length on the subject of his political creed. He described himself as a Durham man- " Lord Durham has, on more than one public occasion since the passing of the Reform Act, stated, that what the Reformers of England require are three things—Household Suffrage, the Vote by Ballot, and Short Parliaments. (Loud cheers.) Now I say the saute. (Renewed cheering.) I say we must have Household Suffrage, in order that the right of franchise may be more equally and extensively diffused. I say we must have Vote by Ballot, in order time the honest amid independent elector may be protected from the intimidation mid from the corrupt practices of the Tories. I say we must have Short Pasha- meats, in order that Members may be made responsible to their constituents: and I say what is more, we must have Parliaments of a duration certainly fixed and defined by law, in order that the dissolution of a Parliament may not depend on the caprice either of a Sovereign or of a Ministry." (Loud cheers.) LEICESTER. The Liberal candidates for Leicester, Mr. Easthope and Mr. Duckworth, have a fair chance of their election. Both gentle- men profess Radical opinions. Mr. Duckworth says in his address- " I think that the duration of Parliament should be shortened, the right of voting extended, and the voter protected from the chance of intimidation by the Ballot. The revision and improvement of our laws and an extension to the whole of the people of an amended system of Education, appear to me among the first duties of a wise Legislature. Ireland, so lung the prey of a faction, aow enjoys the benefit of a just and paternal government, but much remains to be done. The Tithe question must be settled. Destitution and penury must be mitigated by a well.considered system of Poor-laws ; and the People must be practically the lesson of self-government, by conducting their own iis in their municipal corporations. The abolition of monopolies and an entire freedom of trade, especially of the corn-trade, must ever be a leading ob- ject of desire with every rational and honest statesman."
Mr. Easthope talks in the same strain- " The abolition of the Corn-laws, and of all monopolies injuriously affecting
the freedom ut trade and commerce, shall have my cordial support. I am IWO an advocate for the free exercise of the elective franchise by the system of Ballets for shortening the duration of Parliaments, and for extending the suffrage." LEWES. Sir Charles Blunt is safe ; and Mr. Brand is likely tea defeat Mr. Fitzroy, as the Queen has made Mrs. Brand a lady of the Bedchamber. Lo, how the cat jumps now ! LYME REGIS. Mr. Renn Hampden, a Tory, will try to oust Mr. Pinney. LICHFIELD. Lord Alfred Paget is talked of as a Whig candidate.
MARYLEBONE. A meeting of electors was held on Tuesday, (to select by ballot two Reform candidates from the numerous offerers, whom the Liberals and Parochial Committees should support. Sir Samuel Whalley had three-fourths of the votes ; and Mr. G. A. Young stood next, but at a respectful distance. Mr. Hall's name was excluded from the list, as he expressed his intention to go to the poll even should the ballot be against him. This division of the Li- beral interest will most likely not end favourably. Tested by the last two elections, the number of polling Liberals is about 3,000. Of a very considerable majority of these, Sir Samuel Whalley is now sure: the respective chances of Hull and Young are not easily predicted; but Hall was early a.field, is well organized, and is said to have great local influence in the parish of Marylebone : so that they are perhaps nearly balanced. In the spring, when London is full, the Tones have polled upwards of 2,000; and at the last (winter) election, the Tories and Trimmers managed to get together more than 1,800 voters. Un- less, therefore, Sir William Horne should persist in standing, it is highly probable that the Tory candidate, Lord Teignmouth, Iva; creep in. MAIDSTOSE. Anybody may have Maidstone who is willing to pay high. The Kentish Chronicle says- " Mr. Disraeli's appearance has roused the activity of the Reformers to a de- gree never exceeded, and a spirited canvass has already taken place, which pie. wises at present ultimate success. The Conservatives have not been idle, and are equally sanguine. There are, however, from three to four hundred rotas,
principally consisting of the old freemen, who have no other notion of the value of the elective franchise than what it will fetch as a marketable com- modity."
MONTGOMERY. Mr. Pugh, the Tory, who had a majority of 3b5 to 321 over Colonel Edwards at the last election, but was unseated aa petition, is again a candidate in opposition to the Colonel. NORTHUMBERLAND. In his farewell address to the electors of the Southern Division, the eccentric Mr. Beaumont slaps his old friends, the Whigs- " My confidence in the Whigs has been feeble, because I have seen with dis- gust that they actual foolishly ; and I did not consider it an honourable course ou their part to trust those who had publicly reviled them." NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LINE. Mr. Ayshford Wise, the Liberal can- didate, has withdrawn. NORTHALLERION. Mr. Edwin Imecelles will oppose Mr. Wrightson. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Lord Milton is a candidate for the Northers, Division ; and we should guess that his father's eldest son had a good chance of success.
NEWRY. Mr. John Ellis, son of a London merchant, opposes Mr. Brady, the Liberal Melia/CT. OXFORDSHIRE. Mr. Stonor will ti y to oust one of the three Tory Members. An infamous attack on this gentleman has been made by a. Mr. Ashurst ; who can only charge him with being a Catholic !
Rims. It is said that Sir James Dalbiac retires ; and that Mee. Lawrence will return Sir Edward Sugden in his place, to represent herself and her pigsties.
RADNORSHIRE. Mr. Rogers, of Stannage Park, will oppose the Whig Mr. Wilkins.
SHEFFIELD. It is said that a portion of the Wesleyan Methodists have joined the Tory candidate, Mr. Thornley, and will oppose Mr. Ward ; but the real Reformers of Sheffield will triumjia ever every kind of opposition, and elect Mr. Ward triumphantly. At a meeting of 12,000 or 15,000 persons, held in Paradise Square on Thursday, not a single hand was held up against Ward and Parker : they expect is majo- rity of 800.
Mr. Ward has issued a manly address to the Sheffield constitaency. Referring to the Church question, he says-
" It matters much that Sheffield, so long the stronghold of freedom, should not throw its weight into the scale of Lord Lyndhurst ! It is between good and bad government you have to choose, not between me and Mr. Thornley. We represent two different systems. The one, simple, rational, just, and com- prehensive, while it recognizes the Church of the majority as the National Establishment, discards all those invidious distinctions made by our ancestors in other times, and under other circumstances, in the name of religion, in order the more closely to unite the English, Irish, and the Scotch by the ties of equal rights and equal advantages. The other, narrow, partial, bigoted, and exclu- sive, makes of the Church a brand of discord, and alienates the warm hearts of millions of loyal men, by denouncing their religion as incompatible with their duty to their Sovereign and their country. To which of these two syetesna do., Sheffield give its sanction? I put this question first to you, because there is eosubject now-a-days, upon which the Church question ii netengrafted. if is talk of giving municipal rights to Ireland, we are told that the Church stands in the way of it ; if we propose a provision for her starving pour, the
tithes and the Clergy must be included in the bargain ; if we wish to relieve the English Dissenters from Church-rates, we are met by the cry of spoliation and sacrilege; and even if the ballot or an extension of the franchise be the question, the possible effect of such a change upon the Church is one of the first objections to be combated ! Now, gentlemen, I do not hesitate to tell you that 1 am no friend to this modern theocracy. I respect the Church—I belong to it. I am ready to maintain its just rights and privileges ; bearing always is mind, however, the cud for which those privileges were assigued to it,—namely„ the instruction and improvement of the People. But I cannot regard the Church as every thing and the People as nothing; nor can I admit the main- tenance of this Church to be, as some would have it, the end and aim of the British Constitution."
Mr. Ward gives his reason for supporting Lord Melbourne-
" It is in this spirit that I wish to see it (the Constitution) administered. it is because I believe that there is a greater tendency to administer it in this spirit amongst the members of Lord Melbourne's Government than in any body of statesmen that has preceded them, that I have given to them my support in the House of Commons during the last three sessions ; opposing them where 't thought them wrong, (as in the case of Canada, ) urging upon them constainkr, by my votes, those measures which I regard as in dispensable to the very:stahilir of the Reform Bill—die Ballot, Triennial Parliaments, and the gradual eseten- slop of the suffrage ; but concurring with them cordially upon almost every point on which they are at issue with their Tory opponents."
SURRY. Mr. Henry Kemble, a City merchant, is the second Tory candidate for East Surry with Captain Alsager. The Liberals will send a requisition to Mr. Angerstein, who abandons Greenwich.
STAFFORD. Mr. William Bingham Baring intends to purchase half of this borough. STAFFORDSHIRE. Sir John Wrottesley will not stand for the Southern Division. He recommends the electors to neutralize their voice in the Legislature by returning a Whig and a Tory. In the nearly-balanced state of parties, he says, that each would be "fairly en- titled toa representative supporting their respective opinions." It is time, evidently, for Sir John Wrottesley to retire into private life; but we suppose he will be made a Peer. SHOREHAM. Mr. Sheriff Salmons is feeling the pulse of the electors.
SOUTHWARK. Tory money would be thrown away here ; and no Whig will venture on the desperate attempt to unseat Mr. Harvey. STAFFORD. Mr. Finch retires, to make room for the Marquis of
SOUTHAMPTON. Mr. Barlow Hoy has given up his intention of standing for Southampton. We suspect that Ministerial men have always the best chance in Southampton.
SUFFOLK. Mr. Adair is a candidate, on the Liberal interest, for the Eastern Division.
SToeiceota. Mr. Stocks has withdrawn. The Liberals will now, we trust, unite to return Mr. Henry Marsland and Mr. Cobden.
SCARBOROUGH. The Radicals hope to turn out Sir Frederick Trench and put in SirCharles Styles. We wish they could unseat that Trimmer Sir John Johnstone.
SUSSEX. It is said that Squire Curteis has changed his mind, and will stand again for East Sussex, in opposition to the Tory barrister, Mr. Darby.
ST. ALBAN'S. There are now three candidates,—Mr. Grimston, Mr. Muskett, and Mr. Bond Cabbell, of the Temple ; the first and last Tories.
SOMERSETSIIIRE. The Tories of the Western Division have sub- scribed 3,0001. to pay the expenses of a candidate, Mr. T. Dyke Acland, whom they have started in opposition to Messrs. Sanford and Tynte.
SHREWSBURY. There are now two candidates of each party in the field,—Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Crossett Pelham, Tories ; Mr. Slaney
and Mr. Fraucis Dashwood, Whigs. The last-named gentleman can have little or no local influence. There will be a hard contest ; but we still think that the Members will be Jenkins and Shirley.
TAUNTON. Mr. Newton Lee is the Tory, Mr. Labouchere and Mr. Bainbridge are the Liberal candidates.
TYNE3IOUTII. Sir Charles Grey has declared himself a supporter of Lord Melbourne's Government. fie will be supported by Tories as well as Milah`te11311StS ; so the expulsion of Mr. Dublin Committee George Frederick Young, is, we trust, certain. TEWKESBURY. Mr. Joseph Peel has plenty of money ; and many who promised Mr. Martin, the Whig candidate, will vote against him. Every thing, however, depends upon liberality. We anticipate a Whig loss here.
TOWER HAMLETS. No Tory has shown his face as yet in this pb- pulous borough.
WESTMINSTER. Sir George 3lurray's supporters lire very active, and speak confidently in public; but privately some of them at least hold different language. There has been a slight rumour that old Burdett would be dug up again, but it has gained little credit ; though the Times this morning tells us that " that great Englishman " is now in perfect health, and might be induced to stand by a numerously signed requisition. The Reformers are this time better organized than at the last election ; and we trust that at all events Mr. Leader will be re- turned by a large majority.
WORCESTERSHIRE. Election prospects in this country lower upon the Whigs. A Reforming correspondent, who possesses much local knowledge, writes to us as follows—" No matter who says to the con- trary, I am prepared to prove, that in this county the Tories are making a desperate attempt both with money and personal exertion to regain their lost ascendancy ; and they must succeed. There was a time when Worcestershire shook off a yoke she had worn for twenty years ; and
but one Tory was returned for the whole city, boroughs, and county. If the Whigs go on as they have done, It short time will place us in an exactly reverse position. Apathy, and not reaction, is the reason. We are disgusted with men who cling to office for the sake of the plunder, instead of the public good."
WOODSTOL K. Mr. Paton, a Tory, opposes Lord Charles Churchill ; with mull prospect of success, we should suppose.
WAKEFIELD. Mr. Lascelles has got the promise of the votes of Lady Gordon's tenantry, which gives him a somewhat better chance than he had previously of succeeding against Mr. Gaskell.
WILTSHIRE. The Tories say they are certain of electing Mr. Escott. Mr. Paul Methuen has withdrawn.
WINDSOR. Sir John Elley finds that the Court is no longer with him, and retires. His supporters at the last election, independent and worthy men ! tell him he won't do now : a change has come over the Household. Mr. Ramsbottom and Mr. Robert Gordon will doubtless be returned.
WARWICK. Mr. Bolton King and Mr. Collins will stand on the Liberal interest, against Sir Charles Douglas and another Tory, not yet named. YORK. Mr. Barkley retires from York : the Tory Mr. Lowther is safe, and perhaps another Tory may unseat Mr. Dundas ; but this is not very probable. IRELAND.
ATHLONE. Sir Francis Hopkins will oppose Mr. John O'Connell. Coax. Time Tories have raised ',WO/. to support their candidate, Mr. Longfield.
CLoNmEt.. Mr. Sergeant Bull will lie opposed by a Radical, not yet mentioned, and by Captain Morton, a Tory. DUBLIN. The Trades Union have nominated Mr. O'Connell ; who
has promised to stand in case his friends at Kilkenny consent. It is uncertain whether be will have a colleague ; but Mr. Roe, a merchant, and Mr. R ibert Hutton, an accomplished gentleman of fortune, lately of Dublin, now of Putney, near London, are talked of. The Tory papers assert that they have a very large majority-700 or 800-4 re. gistered voters : one gentleman has given 4001. towards defraying the expenses of West and Hamilton. LIMERICK. The Tories threaten to start two candidates.
ROSCOMMON. the Liberals have subscribed MU towards paying the expenses of the reelection of the O'Connor Don. We trust that there is no chalice of this gentleman's services in Parliament being lost to his country.
SLIGO COUNTY. Colonel Perceval and Mr. Cooper are engaged in an active c tiivass.
TRALEE. The partisans of the Tory Denny family are allowed to vote as they like. Mr. Bateman opposes Mr. Maurice O'Connell.
WICKLOW. The Tories start two candidates, Colonel Acton and Mr. Westby, against Mr. Howard and Mr. James Grattan.
YOUGHAL. Mr. Howard, son of Colonel Howard and brother-in. law of Lord Durham, is the Duke of Devonshire's candidate, in oppo. sition to the Tory Mr. Nichol'.
AYRSHIRE. Lord Kelburne, well known on the turf, is a candidate on High Church and Tory principles.
DUNDALK. Mr. Reddington of Kilcornan, R wealthy Roman Catho- lie, will probably defeat Lord Jocelyn, son of Lord Roden.
DUNDEE. Sir Henry Parnell has arrived in Dundee, and issued an address to the electors, of little mark or likelihood. At the date of our lust accounts from that quarter, Sir Henry had not met his consti- tuents in any public meeting; but had conversed a good deal with some of the leading electors. It appears that he is not disposed to renew his originally unqualified pledges to act an independent part in Parlia. meat ; for Lord Melbourne has not made up his mind to adopt the policy of open questions, or to allow his colleagues to vote as they please ; and Sir Henry prefers office to the unshackled performance of his duty as Representative of Dundee. It is most likely, however, that he will be again elected ; there being no candidate who would obtain any considerable number of votes against him. Colonel Thompson has been talked of; but, we understand, would
decline the offer if formally made. Mr. Samuel Wells, a bar- rister, has put forth an address to the Dundee Reformers ; which some of them take to be a hoax, and all consider beneath no- tice. lie must be It Reformer of standing tool reputation who shall receive any support worth notice in Dundee. Even such a one would inure probably divide the Liberals, so as to let in the Tory candidate and in this way derma Sir Henry Parnell, than carry his own return. But there is no such person likely to conic forward ; find we suppose that Sir Henry is pretty sure of his reelection, under these not
very flattering circumstances. The duty of the real Reformers remains the same. They ought not to support any candidate who will not pledge himself to act as if his primary and indispensable duty were to represent the constituency that sent him to Parliament—to support, in Parliament, throe leading meusures which his constituents approve of. Nothing should be allowed to interfere with the discharge of this, the most sacred obligation of a Representative, and implied in the very name he assumes. If Sir Henry Parnell persist in his refusal to vote for the Ballot and other Libetul measures desired by Dundee,—if he prefer office and the approbation of Lord Melbourne to the approbation of Dundee,—then for Dundee he never ought to be elected. Fonvae. Mr. Chalmers receives the all but unanimous support of the Forfar constituency. At a public meeting, it was resolved to elect him free of expense, and without even troubling him to undertake a journey to Forfar to canvass the voters. An analysis of the roll of voters, appended to the handbill containing the resolutions, shows that there are only three electors in the burgh positively unfavourable to Mr. Chalmers !
There are at present on the roll 335
Dead, or incapacitated, since the roll was made up Absent from the meeting, but known to be favourable
Neutral Unfavourable Signers of the resolutions
Lucky Mr. Chalmers I.—who would not be Member for Forfar ? INVERNESS-some. There will be a close contest here. According to the Caledonian Mercury- "' The Chisholm,' as the laird of that name loves to be designated, is said to be tired of his seat for Inverness. shire. It is rumoured that his Highland pride is offended its consequence of his not having cut that figure in the People's House' he expected to do, and that lie is to throw up his seat in dudgeon. Mr. Murray Grant of Glenmoriston opposes Chisholm ; and if' the electors are left to the free exercise of theiyanchise, Glettmoriston's return is certain." KIRCUDBRIGHT. The Dumfries Herald says- " Mr. Cutlar Pergusson has addressed the electors of the stewartry, offering himself again as their Representative. Ilis address is such as might become the stanchest Conservative of the land ; and therefore, issuing as it does free the sworn supporter of the Whig-Radical Ministry, it bears ou its float the strong stamp of political deception."
ORKNEY. The Courier says that Mr. Balfour has retired. PEEinEstrine. Mr. Carmichael is the Liberal candidate. ROXBURGHSHIRE. Admiral Elliot has withdrawn, notwithstanding the declaration of the Courier that his election was secure. A reap sition to his brother, Mr. John Elliot, has been got up. The Tones declare that their man, the Honourable Francis Scott, is safe; but there will probably be a close contest. An appointment to a nasal command abroad is the excuse for Admiral Elliot's retirement. , RENIREWSHIRE. Mr. Boutine is to be the Liberal candidate wait Captain Houstoun. SUTHERLANDSHIRE. Mr. Howard, the gentleman selected by the Dutchess- Countess of Sutherland to succeed Mr. Macleod, is evidently a Tory : in his address to the electors he says- " My efforts will be directed to maintain all the constitutional interests of this great monarchy, to protect equally the rights of the Crown and the An" tocracy, as well as all the lights and liberties of the People, awl above all, to protect the menaced interests of the Reformed religion, as established by lot in the three great dirisions of the United Kingdom."
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