A bill of' indictment was preferred at the Leicestershire Quarter-
sessions against the Marquis of Waterford, Sir Frederick Johnstone, Baronet, the Honourable Augustus Charles Hyde Villiers, and Ed- ward Horner Raynard, Esq. The facts as stated in the Leicester Chro- nick, are these. Four of the nineteen Jurymen, who bad sworn Nato " leave any one unpresented," but "truly and indifferently to preset all things as they came to their knowledge," notwithstanding their 004 abandoned their duty; and although they had previously preseata several poor labouring men charged with petty thefts, refused to dpi - with the case of a Peer in Parliament, a Baronet, an Honourable, IN an Esquire, accused of a grave breach of the peace and a most agst vated assault. They left the jury-room, and refused to vote on the division on the finding of the lull. Three others remained silent. of the remaining twelve, only eleven voted in favour of finding a true Lit On a second division fifteen jurors were present, twelve of whom found a true bill. The foreman stated, he thought the law required thirteen grand jurors to agree on finding a bill. The counts of the indictment which refer to the Melton Mowbray ease were three—ost for riot, another for moletreating the officers of the peace, and ane. ther for common assault. The counsel for the prosecution remora the trial by certiorari to the Queen's Bench.
Considerable sensation has been excited in Leeds dining the Ian few days, in consequence of an attempt having been made, on tit night of Wednesday last, to set fire to the parish. church. It appeen, that on Thursday morning, when Mr. Pickard, the sexton, went inn ' the vestry, lie found a number of papers missing, which induced Lie to think that a robbery had taken place. On going into the choira, further discovered, that a large Bible used at the altar•table was lila wise missing, as were several prayer-books from the different seta Having made these discoveries, his attention was next directed toile organ-gallery, which did not appear to be in its usual state. Hem, cordingly went up, and there found the large Bible and six cr sere prayer-books laid open ' • and amongst a quantity of curl. papers, seven, lucifer matches, which had apparently been rubbed through sand-papa, but had failed to produce ignition. The prayer-books were placedet a projection above the Bible, for the purpose, it is conjectured, of cousin/ a more rapid spread of the flames when the curl papers should but taken hold and communicated to the Bible. Information was immedi. ately given to the police ; and on examination of the windows, it es found that on the north side an aperture had been made only just deep enough to adrnit the body of a man. There was a small quantityoi blood near the place, showing that the party, in making his egress, Lantii cut himself with the broken glass. Those who have examined t1,1.
window declare it is their opinion that the opening had been madek t•• the supposed incendiary inside, for which purpose be must have beai. concealed inside the church. The authorities have used every ea' ertion to discover the parties who have attempted the diabolical deed, Le,
hitherto the matter remains a perfect mystery. 'The Churchwarden!' have offered a reward of .501. for the apprehension of those concerned.- Leeds Mercury.