fait trauntrg.
A letter has been received by the Mayor of Hull from the Earl of Durham, accepting the invitation of the Council to an inaugural (limner to be given to him as Lord High Steward of this borough. In the most handsome terms, his Lordship thanks the Corporation fur the honour conferred on him by his nomination, and the kindness evinced by the invitation now accepted.
The Cambridgeshire Tories have been defeated in a trick by which they attempted to palm a factious address to the Queen as the fairly
expressed opinion of the county. The Lord- Lieutenant, the Earl of
Hardwicke, and the High Sheriff, appear to have been parties to the manoeuvre. A requisition for a county meeting was snugly got up; the signature of Mr. Adenine, the Chairman of the Quarter-sessious
not having been asked for, although the requisition was set on foot on
a sessions.chey. The meeting took place one the 10th ; and, luckily, some Liberals were present, when the object of the holeaund-corner
mode of conducting the business became apparent. The address, pro-
posed by Lord Hardwicke, was laudatory of that part of her Majesty's declaration to the Privy Council which promised protection to the Re-
formed religion, but omitted all notice of her promise to secure religious liberty to all. Upon this being discovered, Mr. Ashton proposed, and Mr. Francis Gunning seconded, an amendment which supplied the
omission. Lord Hardwicke objected to the amendment ; but it was finally carried. It subsequently appeared, that the words "religious liberty" had been inserted in the original address, fur lithogitiphed copies of it had been distributed to the favoured few, but that they had been erased with a pen ; so that the omission was not accidental.
Last week Mr. Laurence Peel presented the Governors of the Brighton Hospital with the sum of WO/. towards the erection of a new wing of that institution, to be called tire" Victoria" wing, in com- pliment to the Queen.
Since the opening of the Grand Junction Railway, the Mail reaches the Liverpool Post-office at half-past eleven o'clock, or in little more than fifteen hours from London : and when the line of railway between London and Liverpool shall be completed, by the opening of the Lon- don and Birmingham Railway, the whole distance, upwards of two
hundred miles, will be performed in from eight to ten hours. What a change this will be, contrasted with the pace at which the mail travelled, thirty years ago only, between Liverpool and London ! Meanwhile,
the enterprise of the proprietors of the Morning Herald has anticipated
some of the advantages which will be derived from the opening of the whole line of railway. These gentlemen commenced, on Friday Even- ing, delivering their publication of that morning to their subscribers
throughout the town ! The proprietors of the Times announce, that they arc making arrangements for delivering their paper at the same
hour. So that the Parliamentary proceedings and other news will now reach Liverpool twelve hours earlier than it has been usual to receive them by the ordinary conveyances.—Liverpool