The Marquis of Waterford has lost a leg and an
eye by the explo- sion of a cannon. His Lordship was superintending the launching of his s;tlendid yacht ; on which occasion he recklessly applied his (agar to this priming. The recoil of the piece broke his leg in so shocking a mariner that amputation was ediately performed."—New York Doily Express. At length the Attorney-General, in Stockdale versus Hansard, has pleaded. The plea consists of twelve averments. That of justification has been wisely abandoned, as untenable ; and reliance hus been placed solely on the resolution, declaration, and judgment of the Commons in Parliament, that the power of publishing such of its Reports, Votes, and Proceedings, as it shall deem necessary or conducive to the public interests, is an essential incident to the constitutional functions of Par- Lament, more especially to the Commons House of Parliament, as the representative portion of it. The plea is signed by " William Wight- man." On the following day, it was demurred to by Mr. J. Curwood, for the plaintiff, in person, on the grounds that the said plea was not sufficient in law; that the known and established laws of the laud can- not be superseded, suspended, or changed, by any resolution or order of the House of Commons ; and that the House of Commons, in Perlin- ment assembled, cannot, by any resolution or order of themselves, create any new privilege to themselves inconsistent with the known laws of the hand; and that, if such power be assumed by them, there can he no reasonable security for the life, liberty, property, or character of the subjects of this realm.
For several days, a crowd of dandies and loose women have at- tended at the Correctional Police, in Paris, to witness it trial in which a person named Emma Caye, who was condemned in the month of March last for having robbed her servant, has again appeared in a Court of Justice. Emma, remarkable for her beauty and the ele- gance of her person, had a very handsome house, perfectly well fur- nished. She had a coachman, a groom, a, and a cook. The latter, by name Fanny Choron, not being regularly paid her wages, ()lemma] from her mistress a note of hand for 940 francs. In the month of February last, during the absence of the cook, Emma Caye opened her des!: and stole from it the note of hand. The facts being proved, she had been condemned to two years' confinement ; and from that sentence 'he now appealed. One deposition principally ex- cided the astonishment of the audience. It was that of Mr. Baring, an Englishman, the avowed lover of the accused ; whose innocence he not only attempted to prove, but, further, to make out a case of rob. bery against the plaintiff, Fanny Choron. According to Mr. Baring, Cboron had taken from his mistress and from him many articles of dress ; in consequence of which, Emma Caye was obliged to open her
trunks, and to open the desk from which the note was said to have been taken, for the purpose of finding the key of a wardrobe. With regard to the note of 940 francs, Mr. Baring alleged that it could not have been stolen, because he himself had paid it ; but be did not pro- duce the note in court. Two other witnesses endeavoured to invali- date this statement ; the consequence of which was, that the case has been again opened, and that lbmma Cnye is to be tried once more.— Morning Post,