The prices of' the Public Securities have been well supported since our last publication. The report of a change of Ministry, which has been occasionally current, has thrown a momentary gloom over the market ; but the purchases of the public generally, by absorbing almost all the floating Stock, have com- pletely counteracted the efforts of the speculators to depress prices; and the closing quotations of Consols for Account, 93L 94, is nearly the same as that of Saturday last. The only purchase of moment has been one by the Bank broker of 50,0001. The other business of the week, with the exception of an extensive sale of the Stock on Tuesday, has been of minor importance; and nothing has occurred requiring any lengthened remark. The settling-day for the Consul Account is fixed for Tuesday next; and it is anticipated that those parties who have sold Stock with a view to profit by the fall, will find some difficulty in providing the Stock so sold. The books of all the Stocks which have been closed for the Dividends will open in the course of next week. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has undergone very little fluctuation, and has probably nearly reached its extreme point of improvement. Formerly these securities were the only refuge for capi- talists who wished for secure temporary investments of money ; and when money became very plentiful, the premium generally rose to 70s. or 808. Slone the establishment of Joint Stock Banks, allowing interest upon deposit-accounts, the smaller class of capitalists are accustomed to place money in them, receiving an interest of 21. or 31. per cent ; thus ob- taining all the security formerly afforded by the investment of money in Ex- chequer Bills, and avoiding the risk of fluctuation in the premium to which these latter securities are liable. We have not heard of any transactions in the Scrip of the Canadian Loan, the negotiations of which we announced last week. It is not likely that any portion of this last issue will make its appear- ance in the market ; as it has most probably been taken both by the Bank of England and the Scotch Bank, for whom Messrs. SMITH, PAYNE, and Co. are understood to have been agents, as a permanent investment of capital.
The transactions in the Foreign Market have been on the usually limited scale. Several sales of Portuguese Converted Stock have occurred; and though one broker has bought extensively on two occasions, the price has given way about I per cent. Spanish Three per Cents have, on the contrary, improved nearly 1 per cent; the scarcity of Stock operating in the absence of any disastrous intelligence to support prices.
The business of the Railway Share-market has not been of a very extensive character. There seems to be a general disposition among these Securities to advance, consequent, we imagine, on the improvement in the tolls which usually occurs at this season. The occurrence of the half-yearly meetings of many of the Joint Stock Banks has directed public attention to the shares of these establishments, and many transansactions in them have occurred in the last few days. No general or decided improvement has taken place in prices but there appears to be a fair demand at existing quotations.
The business in the English Fonda has been quite unimportant.: copsols, both for Money and Account, have been done at 94, and are now 9n 4: EX chequer Bills the same. Not the slightest appearance of business in the Fo- reign Funds, which are all at yesterday's prices. The only bargains as yet recorded in Railway' Shares are the following— Great Western, New, 661; Ditto, Fifths, 161; Manchester and Leeds, 781. SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK. There is not the slightest change in the prices of either English or Foreign Funds; which all close at the morning's quotations. We have to notice the following transactions in Shares in addition to those given in the morning. Banks—Australasian, 53k; Colonial, 14*. Railways—Great Western, 90; Eastern Counties, 8*; South-eastern and Dover, 241.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cent Ditto. New 34 per Cents. Bauk Stock for Account Exchequer Bills ludia Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 5 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents .... ...... 931 94 931 94 944 1 1011 I 1001 1 179 80 56 62 262 71 3 103 4 93 95 Chiliad Deferred Colombian 6 per Cents,1824 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 5 per Cents .... Mexican 5 per Cents Consd
Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 Russian 5 per Cents
Spanish (Active)5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 34 6 23 1
85 6
53e 1 1004 5 29 4 39 i 114 15 131 19 251 5