Arrivals this morning from Vienna, of the 9th instant, give
sense parti- culars of important events in [Lingerie and the Sclavonic provinces on the Anstrian and Turkish frontiers. Sclavonia and Croatia are in fall revolt against Hungary; and .the insurgents have defeated at Peterwardein a body of troops sent against them. Some Austrian regiments have openly shown disaffection, and declared an unwillingness to march against the Sclave insurgents. The Hungarian Diet was opened by the Archduke Stephen on the 5th instant, and its attention expressly called to the position of the rebellion. It is understood that the Government is about to raise the effective army of Efungary to 200,000 men; and proceed instantly with all its resources to subdue revolt.
Russia has made her first move of interference hi the European die turbances. On the 25th June, General Duhumel entered Moldavia with 25,000 troops, and on thafollowing day occupied Jassy ; proclaiming the Russian protectorate of that province; but that his intervention is tem- porary, and made only for the puttiug down of revolt and the restoring of civil order.
The Archduke John of Austria arrived in Frankfort on the 11th, and was welcomed as Regent of the German Empire with popular demonstra- tions of extravagant joy. He received an address from the Constituent As- sembly, and spoke in these terms to the people— "I- thank the city of Frankfort for its kindness. I have come -here upon the call of the 'German National Assembly; and, with their support, limps Isbell do goodnervice to our common country. Frankfort for ever !'
He promptly called M. Gagern to his side, and commissioned him to form immediately an Imperial Ministry.