15 JULY 1893, Page 25

Essays. By Sir Morell Mackenzie. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—The

first essay in this volume bears the title of " Specialism ;" the second is a rejoinder made to Dr. Donkin. Sir Morell's contention is "the inevitable disappearance of the general physician in the struggle for existence." If this is to happen, we can only say it is much to be regretted. However, nine-tenths of mankind will continue to be treated by the " general practitioner," of whom, we take it, the "general physician" is only a fine variety. On Sir Morell's own speciality, we have an essay in two parts, " Speech and Song " and "The Effect of Smoking on the Voice." "Exercise and Training" is a detailed treatment of an important subject. We have also "Is Medicine a Progressive Science P" "The Dreadful Revival of Leprosy," and " Influenza." All are such as the general reader will be able to appreciate.