15 JULY 1938, Page 3

Letchworth Still the Model Sir Raymond Unwin, speaking at the

Health Congress of the Royal Sanitary Institute last Tuesday, reminded his audience that there was nothing in garden-city principles that called for scattering, nor anything in them inconsistent with the crescents of Bath or the squares of Bloomsbury. The main principle is that of the development of towns in compact units, neither over-crowded, nor unduly scattered, limited in size, with access to the country, and offering the minimum of traffic congestion. Letchworth, in his opinion, still remains the model for town-planners. Unfortunately most town-planning is not town-planning but the planning 9f parts of towns. Even so the essential principles can often be adapted to the circumstances. Again, in many places where new factories are constructed the new houses built are often either not subject to a plan, or subject to a plan which existed before the factory was thought of The powers of disorder stills work much, more quickly than the planners of order, who at present can only create oases in the wilderness.