Silt, --I did not say th:. Zionist organisation had ceased
to exist; 1 said there no longer was a Zionist movement. If Mr. Cooke cannot tell the difference between a live movement and a dead organisation I cannot help him. His letter also shows that he has (Id I notions of what goes on in the world. Israel has been more written and talked about than almost ' other subject. and it conflict with the Arabs liesbeen debated ad nameam. The point at issue in fthe present controversy is not whether further in- o mati:m is needed bu. whethel a liberal journal like the Spectator should tun) tt.rll irro the vehicle oi an orgzinked• hate campaign Mr. Cooke is sur- P'esed bee:lose I said Israel's critics 'become involved lo the campaign to destroy it What else is one to say it even a fair-minded book like his own is promptly put to propagar,dist uses whose purpose he does not seem to understand? —Yours faithfully. GEORGE LICHTHEIM Redineton Road, NW .4