SIR,—The doctrine of race supremacy in South Africa is fast leading the country past the point of no return. All groups are suffering the loss of basic civil liberties, and it is deplorable that the Nationalist Government is still able to pass laws that go entirely against all civilised principles, without so much as a murmur of protest from the bulk of the white electorate. While our fellow countrymen in South Africa are meeting with increasingly violent opposi- tion to any form of protest that they make, South Africans overseas, and particularly those in Great Britain, are very well placed to speak for the cause of freedom and against apartheid.
For our voices to be heard it is essential that all opposition to apartheid by overseas South Africans should be channelled through one organisation, and that that organisation should be truly representative of all anti-apartheid opinion. For this reason the South African Freedom Association based in London, and other South African anti-apartheid groups have jointly convened a meeting to be held at the Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, WC2, on Friday, July 15, at 8 p.m. All South Africans who deplore the situation in South Africa will be welcome, and your co-operation in making this meeting known to your readers would he greatly appreciated.—Yours faithfully, GUY ROUTH (Chairman of SAFA) B. WEGERIF, M. PILISO
61 Gloucester Crescent, NW 1