Puzzle and Moore
Sir: One was distressed to see that Mr Puzzle's sense of humour was not stimulated by the excellent Mr Patrick Moore on that television chat show. Not being sure whether Mr P. was testing mine or not, I slept on it and I really fear that the poor chap was not . . . One might have thought that he read other contributions to The Spectator — for example, that on ' Government' on the page facing his own' column — and would have appreciated not only
'the humour but also the underlying truth. That the country's unease is due in large part to the fact that we feel unable to trust our politicians and therefore do not trust each other and doubt ourselves. "At a 'stroke the pound in your pocket."
We feel disregarded and continually ' conned ' by those 'who know what is good for us.' Decimilisation, metrication, EEC,, Concorde (both that ' e ' and the noise — are we expected to believe that the parallel is to demonstrate a 1972 car with a 1912 engine and say if you buy one we'll put a proper engine in it '?), VAT —
from which everyone is seeking exemption as a 'special case,' reorganisation of local government boundaries. Need I go on?
Please inform Mr 'Puzzle that because we decline to march about with banners does not mean that that we are vegetables and ready to be eaten. Some of us, for instance, subscribe to The Spectator. G. V. Crine Hinton House, 5 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare