Perry's breakfast
Sir: Mr Worsthome's description of a `sacking breakfast' (Diary, 8 July) must have distressed every true journalist who read it, except, perhaps, those who had experiences of the author's own technique during his brief days of glory at the Sunday Telegraph. Mr Worsthorne did not go in for 'sacking breakfasts'. His technique was rather more oblique. When, for instance (like the devil and Mrs Pettigrew), 'acting on a sudden whim', he cancelled the column in the Sunday Telegraph which I had contributed on and off for 12 years to his entire satisfaction — as he had fre- quently told me — he thought it wiser not to break the news himself, leaving that task to one of his underlings. Me, I'd rather have a sacking breakfast. At least the host can then look you in the eye.
House of Lords, London SW1