Hostilities have broken out between Morocco and France: be- sides
the indomitable barbarian chief Ann-EL-Karaaa, the French are beset by the fanatical and furious subjects of the Emperor ABD-ER-RAHMAN. Whether a "holy war" has been proclaimed, and whether there is an, regular war at all, are doubtful point.; Lord ABERDEEN thinks not, he tells us in Parliament : but it is certain that the French have roused up a great border-foe, that might be able to pour countless and unceasing thousands upon their territory—to be repulsed, no doubt, but at what endless toil and cost. This gives a new turn to the occupation of Algeria. Should Morocco persevere in its hostility, France will probaby be com- pelled, by the difficulty and annoyance of finding men and funds for this new contest, to procure for her position in Africa some de- finitive settlement, in order to bring other influences to bear upon tbe Moorish Emperor.