The Government Funds have declined during the week, and close this after- noon more than a half per cent below our last quotations. This depression is ascribed to political uneasiness, occasioned by the French proceedings in Africa and the conduct of the American Government with respect to Texas. Consols have been in the course of the day as low as 971; but rather a better aspect was given to the market by the latest intelligence from America. The opera- tions of the week have been very unimportant. Bank Stock has declined today to 2971; a depiession produced by a sale of 5,000/. Fluctuations must neces- sarily occur in this Stock during the discussions upon the Charter: there is nothing in the present decline to call for remark. In the Foreign Market, the business transacted has not been ofany great import- ance. Messrs. BARING, Brothers, the agents of the Government of Buenos Ayres, have published a communication received from that republic, stating the determi- nation of the Government to set apart 5,C00 silver dollars monthly tube applied to the liquidation of the Dividend; but as the sum thus apportioned will if punc- tually paid, only be sufficient to liquidate one-filth of the annual charge for the Dividend, without providing for the 102 per cent of arrears now over-due, the Bondholders do not appear to attach much importance to the proceeding ; and it has only produced an improvement of about 2 per cent in value of the Stock.. The South American Bonds, with the exception of Chilian and Venezuelan, both of which maintain their prices, appear to be out of favour, and are gene- rally about 1 per cent lower than last week. Mexican had also declined about 2 per cent, but improved this afternoon upon the receipt of the American news ; and, after being in the course of the week at 331, that Stock closes at 344. The Northern European Bonds are without any material change. Spanish Stock has been much depressed, but has rallied again—first, in consequence of the publicity given to the proposal of Don CARLOS for a marriage between the Prince of ASTURIAS and they oung Queen; and again today, upon the reported arrival at Barcelona of the Count TRAPANI, and the probability of a successful result to the negotiations for his marriage with the Queen. Active Bonds have been as low as 226, but close today at 231; and the Three per Cents, after being 331, close today at 344. The Portuguese Bonds are without material variation; but the market is not quite so firm salt has been. Some considerable fluctuation has occurred in the Railway Shares, especially in those of the Birmingham line, which were at one time 12/. per share below our last prices : the price has since improved, and after being 210, is today 216. The depression is occasioned by the promulgation of a scheme for a railway to York, to follow the line of the old North Road ; which, being supported by most influential names, is considered as certain of success; and, in the event of its completion, likely to divert a large portion of the traffic now engrossed by the Birmingham line. The French Railways have also declined ; and, alter being between 21. and 3/. per share below our last prices, close at a depression of 11. This decline has been occasioned by a corresponding movement in Paris, caused by the reaction of speculation ; and is considered to be merely temporary. SATURDAY. TWELVE 0 chock. Scarcely any business is doing this morning, and prices are the same as yes- terday. The Foreign Bonds are without any change of importance. The following bargains bare occurred in Radway Shares; Chester and Holyhead, 54; Great Western, Half-Shares, 78; Ditto, Fifths, 221; Birmingham, 218; Ditto, Quarter-Shares, 25; Brighton, 476; Newcastle and Darlington Junction,
436 3.
SATURDAY. Two o'cancra.
The English Funds have been heavy, and Console were at one moment offered at 98 for Account; the market has, however, since improved, and closes at the morning's quotations. The Foreign Bonds are without any material change. The following bargains have occurred in Railway Shares, in addition to those given in the morning : Chichester and Brighton, 4; Dublin and Cashel, 5h ; Great Western, 1214; Ditto, Half-Shares, 774; Ditto, Quarter-Shares, 226• ' Brighton, 47; Northern and Eastern, 57h i; York and North Midland • 1191 i; Ditto, Half-Shares, 59i 9; Paris and Orleans, 38 71.
3 pex,Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cent Ditto.
New 34 per Cents
shut 99 1 971 1 1014 1 shut Colombian ex Venezuela ...
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 5 per Cents ..... Mexican 5 per Cents Cousd 124 13 88 9 614 1 100 11 341 f Bank Stock
1971 8 Ditto Deferred 141 1 Exchequer Bills prem. 74 6 Portuguese New 5p. Cts.1841
46 7
India Stock
shut Russian 5 per Cents 1174 181 Brazilian 5 per Cents
801 If Spanish (Active) Spec Cents 231 1 Belgiau 5 per Ceuts
103 5 Ditto 3 ner Cents 1842 sat i
ChiBan 6 per Cents
103 5 Venezuela Active 39 40