The mail-steamer Britannia, which left Boston on the 1st instant.
and Halifax on the 3d, arrived at Liverpool on Thursday. The intelligence is highly interesting. A Democratic Convention at Baltimore had cho- sen as the party's candidate for the Presidency. Mr. James K. Polk, of Tennessee ; Mr. George M. Dallas, of Pennsylvania, for the Vice- Presi- dency. This is an unexpected blow to Mr. Van Buren's friends ; and the Whigs regard Mr. Clay's election as made certain by the "split."
The venerable and respected Chancellor Kent, being asked for an opinion, gave it thus-
" I think that there can be no doubt that the enormous abuses and stretch of power by President Tyler afford ample materials for the exercise of the power of impeachment, and an imperative duty in the House of Representa- tives to put it in practice."
The Senate had rejected the nomination of Mr. Murphy as the Ame- rican Charge d'Affaires to Texas ; in all probability, because of Mr. Murphy's agency in the movement to procure the annexation of that province.
From Canada we learn, by the Quebec Mercury, that Governor-Ge- neral Metcalfe had succeeded in forming a new Cabinet ; which was to include Mr. Morris and Mr. H. Sherwood.