MADEMOISELLE Disezve has resumed her saucy sway at the French Theatre with undiminished potency. There is an indescribable fasci- nation in the performances of this actress, which provokes people to try to account for it. Some are disposed to attribute it to her audacious nonchalance, which becomes captivating by the force of cool reckless- ness: but we are not disposed to assign to sheer effrontery so strong an influence ; certainly that quality alone could not produce a charming effect. No; cleverness and esprit lend a grace to the insouciance of Dia-az-Ex : her undisguised and unaffected openness is in itself void of offence, while it is adorned by natural and acquired talents of no com- mon kind. Direct and unreserved frankness is always more winning than mock modesty or airs of assumption ; and in this instance the wit alone is evident—wickedness has to be inferred. In a word, DEJAZET is a genuine character ; and an accomplished actress and singer besides. The new part, Madame Favart, in which she made her first appearance this season, gives scope for the display of her vocal skill in the cha- racter of a young debutante, who is pursued by Marshal Saxe, but pre- fers being the wife of the musician Favart to becoming the mistress of the Marshal. DE.rezzr's singing is delightful : the nasal shrillness of her speaking voice does not disagreeably affect the sweetness of her 'vocalization; and she can express sentiment in song as well as raillery. M. RHOZEVIL, as M. Favart, became the young and enamoured com- poser well ; and CARTIGNY, as a pompous, pragmatical old musician, was richly ludicrous. WEJAZET has repeated her favourite character of the boy roue in Les Premieres Armes de Richelieu, with increased eclat; and she appeared last night in a new piece, Carlo and Carlin, in which she plays Harlequin. The performance was interrupted by the illness of M. BARQUI, but the piece will be played on Monday. The audience were compensated for their disappointment by M. LEVASSOR, who had just arrived, giving his popular song of "be Chanteur Choriste."