On the 30th April. at Tabreez, the Lady ut EDWARDWALTER BONHAM. Esq., her Id jests Consul-General. of a sou.
On the 2d June, at Kuseartou Rectory, the Wife of the Rev. R. Sin-woos. of a son. On the MI, at the Rectery. Huthfietd. the Wessel the Rev. Jests Mossuh,uf a daughit Os this Ch. at Petersham Lodge hurrey. the Lady or ANIMAS/ ISUCHANAR. Esq., her Ma dry 'a tecretary of Legation at.the Court of Russia, of a sum On the 6th, at Chatham, the Lady of Brigade-Major J. D. O'Batur, of a daughter. On the 6th, in Upper rtlillimost Plash Ifemdegtoo. lint Sows GOMM Rtowour, era daughter. On the 9th, at the Manor House. Chigwel/. the Lady of EDWARD CHARRANOZIE. MS, A a eon.
Ota the 11th. in Green Street. the Lady Lents. Moircartera. of a daughter. On the Ili& the Lady of Lieut. Cul. the Hull. C. B. Pewee, ef a atm. Lately. at Fretherne Rectury, Glueeesteralure, the Lady of the Bev. R. L. Thrintara M.A., of a daughter.
Oa the 2ath March, at the Cathedral, Gibraltar, Malty JOHN MURRAY. ESQ.. HAIM Vice Consul fur Tangier, in Morocco. to ELIZABLTH. youngest daughter of the late THuMAS HEAPHY RAI.. of St. Julie's Wood. Regent s Park, Loudon. On the 30th May. at Stuttgard. emend JusEpH HEI,SCH. Lieutenant of Artillery* tin. service of the Greed Doke of Haden . to It.sarta.s JANE. elder daughter of JUslINIAN ALsTori. Esq.. ut Odell Castle, and Harold Home. Bedfordshire. Do the 4th June, at the British Embassy. Parts. Josree Loewe Brun, Esq., to Arai MARY. youtsgest daughter of Culouel MICHELL. C. It. llo■ al Artillery. On the 6th, at St. Bride's Church. Liverpool, WILLIAm Loran. Esq., of Peel Streets to Lome/. HELEN, daughter of JAMES Lisma. Esq., of Section Terrace, Liverpool, and late of Ousefieet Grange. Yorkshire. On the 6th at St. Julie's, Edinburgh, Captain FULFORD. R.N., third son of Baldwin E-q.. of Great Futter& to ISABELLA, eldest daughter of JuHN Reaszu., Esq., incipal Clerk of Sessinn in Scalaud. On the Gib, It Keesiegton, THOMAS M. D. Taut-rd. Esq.. of Ely Place. son of the late Dr. Trotter. R N., to ELLEN CATHARINE, youugest daughter of the late MORRO= RuSERTsuN. E.g. R.N. Ott the 611a. at Biguor Church, the Rev. G. B. TARO. Vicar of Wrisgby. Lincolnshire, to AGEE. NIARIA. daughter or the late JOHN !laminas. E.g.. Bigoor nark. Sussex. On the Hilt, CHARLEs Haulm. Eng., Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. to the Hon. Miss DE MuYLNE, eldest daughter of Lord VENTRE. Of Banal:MU House. is the MAW, of Ken y. On the iOth. at Marylehone Church. Captain J. W. DALLING. R.N., to FRAMER ANNE, eldest slaughter oh Colonel FANsHAwE. E.,yal Ellgitteers. On the 11114 ot Ttlehurst Church, PHILIP LIMBE Powes, Esq.. of the Inner Temple. Barrister-at Law. mud eld.nt sou of Henry Philip Reeks, Esq.. of Hard. tide. Oahe& share. to ANNE Palmas, daughter of THOMAS ORISIWou-0. E.g.. of TtanPr'st.ka.n. Oat the 12sh. at St. John's, Wapping. WILMAm WILLIAms PHII.LIPs. Esq., of Trams* Lodge. Pout) peel, to Maitre, daughter of the late WILLIAM MAUD, Esq.
On the 19th April, at Aden. Arabia, Lieutenaut Howrta, her Majesty's Serene teeuth Regiment. Oil the U. lit Mhow, RoBERT M. D. DELAYOSSN:, Ensign of the Twenty-snails Rom. hay Native lamely, third sun of the Rev. D. C. Delalusse, Rector of Shere. Staten Ill his 24111 sear. Osi the Estt, May, at Paris, Sir GEuRCIE PIMETT. BAIL, Of Kaapten. Queen's Canal, aDd Itlntstlatlllou. county of Cork; te his 80111 year. In May last, at Malta. the Rev. JAM Es WAND, M.A.. late Fellow of New College. antll eldest sou of JAMES WARD. Esq., of Willey Hume. Farnham, Surrey; • in h M is ils years Ot. the 1st June. at Rome, Lady ADAM, Wile of Lientedut-Geueral the Right Huns Sir Ftederiek Adam. G.C.B. On the 1st, at Walker Street. Edinburgh, Mrs. MAROARETTA MACDONALD. wife or Lieutetiant Weisel Roanersus MAnDuNALD. On the 2d, sit Ahascreagli, Galway, Wiccram BRAcEENBURY, Esq., formerly Liettle. naht it. the Sixty-lirst kegireent. late of A-Beery H use. m Lincalushire. On the 6th. E.'snatim. eldest daughter of Mr. JOHN HARMS. of Abusgdots. Berke. Ott the 6th, at Succoth. Dumbautuashtre, the Lady CAmpRELI., Wile of Sir Archibald Campbell, Bart. On the jili. in Mansfield Street. the Lady CATHARINE Bauwtr. third daughter Atha Marquis awl Marchioness of Scteo. On the 9th. at The Ims. Southampton, LOUISA Cx-reetose, Wife of Captain J. G. Were. late Twenty-ninth Regiment. on the 9th, at Chide& Teigumouth, Devon. Sir Joue STIMIIAN, Bart, of Thornton; in his 94th year. 0,, the Stsh seddenly. while addressing the congregation at the meeting house of the- Society or Friends at Darlington, W. EACKHOUss, Euq.. sessile veneer of the bauktat establishment of' Backhnuse and Company. of that town. On the 10th, at Hurnsey, Caucus DANVERS. Esq., of Creole's Hill, Greenwich ; its his 75th year. On the tint. in Chapel Street, Park Lane, MARIA, Relict of the late FRANctsloMMLL. Esq., of Henbery Halt. Cheshire, and second daughter of the late Sir W. Lraos. Bart. On the 11th, at Fiuchley, Ems.t. Relict of Lieutenant-General Sacetar ; iu her 70dt year.