15 JUNE 1844, Page 19


Tuesday, June II. PARTNeRsHMS Dissui.veD. Johnson and Farrar, Birkenhead. Cheshire. coach-builders-Gbiruey and Co. Al- bion Place, Kum a Cross-J urdan and Cu. Leeds. truitmers - Rub news atm Co. Sire chin Lane-Crest, and Co. Itegeet's Park ba,iu, blackieg•ruessunamerers-E. awl G. Dolt. Petworth. posers- Sismau and Asluo. Charles Sirret, Gna.vcuor Square, brook. makers- Eumunstsue and Co. Messcliester. wood.errew manulacturers- Scott mid Sim. mous Mark Lane, wiue-merchauta--Wmituss and Cu. Live, corn millets; Ha far as regards E. Weston- Hodgsou nod Priest. Se iliefieet. Yorkshire, Burgesses-Vines arA Boyd. Edinburgh. prietera; as far as regards T. Oliver.


Archer, John Street Adelphi. attuitsey-Burnett, Twerton, Somersatshire, beer- seller-Eves. Great Alt, Street, smith- Bellied. them Charlotte ,inert. 11.acktriissa' Road. toitur-Stallard, Peterstleld. Hampshire, felimouger-Faruell, Norwich schools master-Gillet& Commercial Road Lallibelll, grocer - Menzies. tttouth hlauht. Regenesh Park, out of busiuess-Betdamin, Little Alio Street. commercial tsatelier-l'itrunk Bath', victualler-Mishaps. Stroud, road-reptairer-Jeeses. Main. Hertfuldsiont, bricklayer-Fields, Ha,uway Street, Oslortt Street, car‘or - Yenralt7. Lnekb"./4",- attorney - Colton. West Retlurd, Nottinghamshire, rupe maker- Bearetsdate L er000l, publicise- Ward, DaWn. Yorkshire, Ileer.shopkeeper—Gluvry, Kitwad, palmier-Hughes. Birmingham!, stsurclealer - Smith. Leek. Stanuntabore, sue will- au/eager-Hall, Culsege Street, Is iuston. engraver- Clark,- Ores-mt. Essex. out or business- Nee bery, Cambridge. baker - Wiles,. Leug Sutton, Lescolusts.re, tanner-a- Baldock, Breuchley. Keet, labeurer -Cole. Bruttswick Street. Bantsbstry ktuad, clerk. —Froggett, Phoruis Street, Spdatfluids, trimnuormautitacturer--Yeacktey, Teeter

Street meat salesmau-ktathurst. Banbury. out of bualuess-Hutchins. Ipswich, stone- mason-Merritt. Pump Row, City Road, cuachmaker.


DEALTNY. JAMES. Burslem, grocer, to surrender June 25. July 19: soliclors. Messrs. Johnson avid Co, Temple; Messrs. Hitchcock and Cu. Manchester; ofncial assignee, Stauway. Manchester.

GROVE. GROVIOS, Alison. Gloucestershire. miller. Jane 21. July 23: solicitors. Messrs. Daniels and Barker. Bristol ; uflici.,l assignee, Mr. Acraman. Bristul.

11 EWARD. JAM SS, Ileadon, hay salesman. June 18. July 26: matcher, Mr. Raw, Fur moat s Ina : official assignee. Mr. Whitmore. Mantels:ill Street.

LAKE. 11SNRY. Cheltenham. printer, Jam. 18, July 23: solicitor, Mr. Boodle. Chel. 14mb:tat ofilc at assignee. Mr. Miller. Bristol.

11.10F Rs. FREDSIIICK, Cooktme. Northamptonshire. miller. June 18. July 24 soli- citor Mr Cattin Ely Place; official assigoee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buiolitigs. Boos Dorsi so.. Little Love Lane, walla...a-moan, June 18. July 18 solicitors. Dixon and °verbal'', Old Jewry ; official assignee. Mr Pennell, Hagler:hall Street.


July 2. Butterworth. Peckham. corn men:Mint-Jule 2. W. and E. Wheeler. Oxford, 11one-denims - Jolly 2. Gondola. Eton. ironmonger-July 9. Orbell. Brandon. Essex. Miller-July 2 Eshellty, Gate Street, currier-July 4. stringer. littuattsilitelt. clothier - Juts 2. fiealey, Savoy Street. Snood. auctioneer-July 2. Arnold and Ball Pater nester Row. booksellers Jilly 2. Marsham. Angel Court. Throgm. non Street. tanker -July 4. Street, Itickinglia II Soperior. souk. grocer- July 2. Clans. Tokettitonse Yard merchant-J[11y 2, Watford. Co eat Winchester Street, merelmat-July 4. Reach, Bat dwell I. Slam k. miller-July 2. Clarke. Mai yteito•,e, upttolstere. -J al' 2. Das

We.,te, ham t...keeper --July 2. Field. B ',Val brook . packer-Jul) 2, Spat ke, Jewm CI e-cent. w nednereltant - Jiii'.- 3. Deacon. 'Whiled) pet Road . draper-.lul% 2. E:ck.s. Rothe. lii he, init.-rivet-manufacturer-July 4. Micro. Leeds. oil mere!: ilit July 4. Pupil toil. Leeds. wine-merch oli-J nly 4 Parker and Co. Sheffield. bankers- July 2. Barlord, Bristol, irk...master -July 5. Cramp. St:ninny. Gloucestershire. e. rn-dealer- July 5. Abb. 1, n'aCkInlYn. cuttolt-manufacturer -July 5. Miller, Li. erpool. leader- July 4, Whtletleld, Briagenater, grocer - July 4 Slade, Bliniport, shoemaker.


To he granted, unless eause be sh.ern to the mmtrary. on the day of meeting.

July 2 Wyer. Newing'un Causeway, tailor-July 2. lIedsott, Fore Street. leather. seller - Jul, 5. Adams. NeWlks: I. Isle of Wight put, icau - Jidy 5. Rothery, Wakefield. currier- 1 ulv .2. Brothers, Newcastle-under- 1.,) me. cur. ier-July 4, Phillips, Pl) mouth. saddler - July 4. Seddon. Middle Halton Lancashire coal dealer.

To be granted unless CI I use be shows to tbe ointrary. on or bef,re July?.

Lay. Dudley. gruel.? - Fatillther, Danvers Street , Chelsea. builder -J. twit G Ewart, Newcastle opou-Tt ne, auctioneers- Iktv ley, Abiogd..n. draper-Rogets. New oil.

Monmotolishirc, lire-brick manaracilirer etts. New Cat. chinaolealer-Poore. Bamptott. Devonshire. druggist- Willsmer. Essex, draper -Leonard, Frances Site, Gulden Square, butcher.


Marks and Barnett. Liverpool. tailors; secoud tuf 44. June 13 or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Casein,. e. Literp. oh-Brown jultior. Bassalleg. Monmouth-11:re. Ina:i- ntender ; die of Is. 3d. Julie 12. or :toy subsequent Weduevdav ; Mr. Hutton. H. isiul- Bina. y. Ewaurigg Hall, Cumberland ironfountier ; first din. (on new proms) of 3s. 1111 Jam, 15, or any sulwequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Ty ne- Bearup Neweastle-upon Tye.- Joiner I div. of 3s 61. June 15, or any subsequent Faturoay ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Loiter. Bath. music-se ler ;liens die. of Is. 91. (on new proofs,) and seennil di, of 6d. (au all proofs) toy Werblealay ; Mr. Graham Coleman Street-J. and T. Metcalfe. Cambridge. upholsterers ; flist and se- cond ..r Its. 3d. (oil new pria,fs) and third div. ipill (on all pivot's) ant Wednes- day Mi. Gilliam, Coleman Sbeet -Smart. Liverpool. draper; livatdiv. o151d. June 13, or any subsequent Tharsduy ; Mr. Caren°, e. Li erpool.

smerco srtn.tEbTRAINN.

Low, J., Dundee, merchant, June 17. Jaly 15,

Friday, June 14.

PARTE/ Bailin utasuLvEn.

Aspinall and Hunter. Liverpool. commission agents-J. altd If. Clark. Chesterfield, frock nom °reamers-W. and G- Clark. Cheaterlie.d, drapers-Hunter and Asaivall.

Birkenhea.i c, mmission-agents-O'Neil and SIPploutu..u,consroisai, Tog/scat Chit Hr.. k.. Didsley. Gioucesiershire, littentirapers-Flathman ao,l Foale , Loa., Bel- grave Pi use. Pimlico. &Ida water. manufacturers-Allen a,ud GascaIgne, Great Hell Alley Co entth Street. butchers-Green and Co. Qaeell Street Place. tea-dealers- Goods in and Illockley, Longues and Crewe. Cheshire. linendrapers-Coxwell and erasers. Newcastle:kapott-Tyne. cual-fitters; as far as re„uards E. Crust r -E. 1.. and W. Davi. livery statute keepers-II. anti'. II adtson. Stockton. Derharn, grocers-B., T., and W. linen. Christchurch. Santee. suap makers; as far as regards B. Hawes - Cole- man and Audreas. Edgeware Road, Ithendrapers-Fawcult and Cu. Kiddermitister. csrpet•maunfacturers ; as far as regard. C. Cullius-Poultnev awl Co. Birmingham. cut.nail-manteacturers-Btiggs told Co. Crabby Square mercitauts-Locke and Badge, :Manchester. britsli•matturactui et s -Storry and Co. Kiugstoit-upout-Hall. met chauts ; as far as regal ds J. Newham -Costeker and Cu. CUr011ill, Wit011ett-draperS; as tar as regards R. Puckle--13aker and Sun, Liverpool, marble masons -Bugle mid Co. Glas- gow, cotton spinners.

DECLARATIONS Or INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT. Hughes. Tosteth Park. Lance-hire. eel [arm:al-Stephens Deptford Lane, Peckham. tiodertaker-Shallerass, Uni0a Street. Borough. out of business-Play...Lir, Furman Street, house agent - M neklestots, London Road, baker -Sanaa. Wethogton Piave, Bethnal Green. cougreve-mautinteturer-W heeler. South Littleton. Worcestershire. labourer - Datum'', liermornisey Street, painter-Crook, Wituey. parchmeatsmaker - Eagle, Bethnal Green clerk-Wright. Bedford Street, Covent Garden, carpenter- Turtle. Clapham, conkeeper Roduey Stte.t. Clerkeuweld attorney-Glo.er, Peckham Grove. accountant - Robertson. Eagle Terrier. City Road, coffee shop keeper

-.-Parls-ry. Wells Sheet. St. James's, Brackley, Noithampouslore, carpenter-Wilkins, Riegate. farmers-assi.tant-Weeks. Edmond Place, Alnersgate Street. out of business-Pe:amt.. Nes castle uuder Lyme. victualler-Tamer, New on, Cheshire. vienialler-Wanam. Nor.hamptuu, horse-breaker-Devereux. Adam Street, New Kent Road. frame work-knitter -Semler: junior. Poplar, carpenter Tre- ffegar I rotewurks, Monmouthshire, stocktaker -Thompson, Aldersgate Street. surgeon -Plat s. Mislaid Yorkshire, c oth-manutacturer- Walker, Camden Town-Weide. Walcot Square. Lambeth. wine deutler-Briden. Hampstead, gartleaer-Putitlick. West Smithfieid, eatiugthouse-keeper - Dumelow, Sheppernm Place, New North &tad,


WILOSCKsON, S. chesterfield, liuendraper.


JOHNRON. T11011AS. and Co. Bamford, bankers, to surrender June, 24, Aug. 12: soli- citors. Messrs. Stevens. sod Co. Qaeen Street. Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrotik Coot I.. Basiugliall Sheet. IMACFARLANE, DI:OALD. 'tethers Street. sine-merchant. June 21, July19; solicitor, Mr. Crunch. Southampton Bullilings; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King . Arms Yard. MtitiOKINE, Ricoduro, StirmIngliam, woollentiraper, Jape 26, Atig. 3: solicitous. Mrs-rs. Garda iek, said Guest, Weavers' Hall ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Culeman Street Buialiags.

Taman:. JAMES. LiVerrul. commission-merchant, Jane 26, July 25: solicitors. Messrs. Gregory and CO. Bedford Row; Rogerson, and Co. Liverpool; off:total ussig- Dee, Mr. Carouse. Liverpool.

Teumesuti. ALFRED. Southampton, grocer, June 25. July 26: solicitors. Messrs. Newbutt. and Evans. Duct re' Commons; °Metal assignee. Mr. /Wager. Bitehin Late. Woo°, II F.:, RV. Basitighali Street. atmiammotur. June 25 July 26: solicitors. Messrs.

Dixon, Co. Old Jury ; Messrs. Hardwick, oust Cu. Weavers' Hall; official as- signee, Mr Whitmore, Basiugltall Street.


- July 5. Clack. Beech Street. habeidasher -Judy 5, Johnson, Lawrence Pouutney morchaut-July 9, Evaas alai Cu. Aller)stnith, bankers-Jul" 5, Freeman, Ips- wich. wooneodraper-Ju y 5. Savill. Ronnottl, grocer-Joy 5. hP Domani, Allincing Lane. wiue-broker-July 5 Hants, Jolla stieet, America Square, merchant-July 0, Lubbock Instelterhall Laue. victualler -July 5. Swallow atm Suns. Halifax, tethers- July Inetottey. Leeds. victuallee-July 9. Appleton, Liverpool. metcliant-July 9. Rogets. Dale Hall. near Buis.em /eattlieuware-manufactuter - July 9. Woriuton. Bar- lbage, Leteesiendure. hosier-July 12, Mtn:lied. Leicester. hosier-July 6, Hal. Sir- miugham, statiouer-July 19. Westien, Bruthford, Devouthite, monster-July 5. Budgsou, Suede, laud, tea-dealer.


To he granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meefag.

July 5, liadae. Kingslan t, lit en raper-'nly , K.ug, Bud e Row. tea dealer-July 5, Mum-ell. Alfred Place Beofurd Square, toinlor..Xer -July 6. tillabms, High Street, Marylebone. taritenter-July 6, Buda..., King Street. Cheaps de. warriant, ema..- July 9, Lewis, Tryddyn, Fitutshire, wine-nuerchaut -July 6, Pros. Birmingham, ghosts Manufacturer.

7., be grouted, unless cause be shown to the etratrory. on or beftre July 5.

Pickup. Mauchester. fustiau-manufacturer-liearup. Nencastle-upuo T' lie. joiner - Ruffed, Greenwich. draper - Garnu, Long Me ford, Suffolk. corn dealer-Pegler. Reading. woullendraper- Robertson. Liverpool. drysaller-Laurenee, Hortisey. mer- chant-Deane. Southampton, coach builder - Hawkins, Bristol. masau-Glasebruo5. Birmingham. carpenter - Pall, Liverpool, chemist - Thompsou, Suuthamptuu. tailor- Abbott and Dixon. Leeds, dyers.


Ilesleamod and Co. Kingston-upon-Hull. white lead-manufacturers: &Y. of 5d- "a 11-16ths of Id.; first atm thud div. of Is 901. au the separate estate of R. Ileslewood.; tirst aud hit,.1 div. of 6s..6d. on the separate estate or J. Stilt. any Tuesday after this day; Mr. Hope Letels-Messum. Portsea, Loeser; secuu &IV. of lid. say Wednesday; Mr. Whitmore. liasingliall Street-Clarke. Banbury, Imendraper ; first div. of 3s. 6d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whilmore, Basiughall Slreet-Teaby. Wiuellester, plumber; lirst di,. of 2s. 71d. any Weouesda) ; Mr. Whitmore. Bosinghall Sireet-Lawford, Feachurch Street, witimmerchant; first ,,iv. of 211. June 19, 26, said July 3; Mr.

Groom, Abelitirch Lane. SC0TCH SEQUEsTRATIoNS. BOWER. It.. Meathie. near Forfar. farmer. June 22. July 20, M LRCM( A.. Glasgow. merchant. Julie 29. July 111.