Mr. JOHN TYLER, of the United States, has made a
move to- wards a war with Mexico : he has stationed an "army of observa- tion" on the frontiers of Texas, to watch and keep the peace while the treaty of annexation is pending ! The President is playing at prerogative ; and grievously must the intelligent portion of the community be annoyed at the fantastic tricks of their chief magis- trate. However, he is likely to be thwarted : the Union is by no means unanimous on the annexation ; the Senate will probably throw out the treaty ; and the Representatives were cutting down the funds that would go to pay for Mr. TYLER'S "army of observa- tion." Mr. TYLER, be it remembered, was not chosen President : he is a kind of by-blow or windfall—a Vice. President accidentally succeeding to a vacant seat. The fact that a TYLER has held the Republican throne for four years, might suggest to the worthy citi- zens the expediency of adopting rather a higher standard whereby to measure even Vice-Presidents: also, looking at the style of Mr. TYLER'S official writing, it might not be amiss if Presidents and Vice-Presidents, on election, were examined a little in syntax and other branches of grammar.