VICTOR EMMANUEL:has* sacceeded in forming a Ministry com- petent to carry out the policy of Cavour. Its head, Baron Rica.soli, of whom the Florentines said it was fortunate lie had annexed Tuscany to Piedmont, for if he had annexed it to China the Tuscans would have obeyed him, has already announced his pro- gramme. It is briefly to follow out the plans of the great man who has pissed away, and was received in Parliament with enthusiastic appreciation. His colleagues, General Menabrea (Marine), Ge- neral . Della Rovere (Army), Minghetti (Interior), and Scialojo (Commerce); are among. the ablest of Italians, while the Ministry will receive the frank support of the • young, men Cavour so carefully trained up. The death of the Premier, though received in Italy with a grief which has extorted sympathy from the organ of the Papacy, has not diminished the fortitude of Italians. From every side evidence comes up of a stern determination to main- tain at once the independence and the unity of the Peninsula ; and already one advantage is said to have been secured. The Emperor of the French has agreed to recognize the monarchy, and in a despatch to Vienna, M. Thouvenel reminds the Austrian Government that, unless they also recognize the kingdom, the Roman question must be settled without the advantage of their advice. The menace is obvious, and though it seems impossible that Austria should, by relenting, acknowledge that she holds Venetia only by military force, the danger involved in a Western settlement of the Papacy may incline even Francis Joseph to reconsider a decision which cuts him off from one of his most available supports. In Gallicia and the Tyrol the aid of the Papacy is almost equivalent to that of the popu- lation.