The fifth annual meeting . of the National Association for the
Pro- motion of Social Science is to be held at Dublin in August next, lasting from the 14th to the '21st. The following prospectus has been issued by the association, in explaining the details of this meeting : The first meeting of the Department of Trade and International Law for reading papers and discussion will be held at the next annual meeting of the association at Dublin. The subjects of international interest which, among others, it is proposed to discuss at Dublin are these : An International General Average (the council is now engaged in carrying'out the wishes of the International Congress at Glasgow, by the preparation of a bill on general average to bo sub- mitted to the mercantile bodies of the world for their emendations and improvements; the attention of the association has beeu directed to other subjects of importance, some of which will be brought for- ward next year), Law respecting Collision at Sea, Rights of Bellige- rents over Private Property at Sea, International Copyright, Internal Aspect of Bankrupt Laws, Fraudulent Trade Marks. It is antici- pated that papers will be read on the following subjects relating to British commerce and production : Industrial Productsof Ireland, Cotton Supply, Wool Supply, Influx of Gold and its Effects. The Council, however, will be glad to'receive papers upon any subject of cognate interest. The meeting at Dublin will be held from 14th to 21st August; all papers are to be in the secretary's hands before 1st August. No paper should occupy more than twenty minutes in reading.