SIIMIlita.—We understand that advices have been received by this packet
by the Jamaica Cotton Company, enclosing the first pod of Sea Island cotton that has burst from a tree planted in November last. The anxiety of the people to plant, and especially the small settlers, appears to be very great, and they are buying up seed in all directions. The agent of the company states that he has employed about one hundred men to clear and burn off land in order to a new plantation; and that he will undertake to get one thousand acres planted without delay, and as to picking it, that there will be no want of hands to get in any quantity that money can be found to plant. He has been paying Is. per square chain for cut- ting down the timber and bush and hoeing clean. The Jamaica papers speak with high approbation of the plan, and hope the 'com- pany will proceed in the work with vigour, as one greatly required for the employment of hands not fit for sugar cultivation.