15 JUNE 1867, Page 1

It is not clear whether the Archduke Maximilian has been

shot or not, but quite certain that he surrendered to the Juarists at Queretaro on 15th May. An official despatch from General Escobedo announcing the fact has been received at Vera Cruz, and thence transmitted to Now York. It is still hoped that the Archduke has been retained as a prisoner of war, though the official Juarist journal published at San Luis de Potosi announces his execution. The condemnation of Europe will 'matter nothing to Juarez, who is a full-blooded Indian, but the condemnation of the United States may. It has also been stated this week that the report of the Committee of Physicians sum- moned to consult on the state of the Archduchess Charlotte was most unfavourable. They believe she cannot recover or live long, —a most sad ending for a very blameless career.