Inquisitio Philosophica : an Examination of Me Principles of Kant and Hamilton. By M. P. W. Bolton. (Chapman and Hall.)—Although Mr. Bolton's work was suggested by Mr. Mill's examination of Sir W. Hamilton, and by the Contemporary Review's examination of Mr. Mill, it is independent in a high sense of the word, and is not confined to th e immediate subjects of the late controversy. Its opening chapters may be read by all as containing an able sketch of the general features of metaphysical debate, and of the issues which have set so many schools, and sects, and nations at variance. Probably when Mr. Bolton begins to quote in the original from Kant and Schopenhauer, some of his readers will drop off, and only the soleot few will be is at the philoso- phical death of Hamilton. That Hamilton had a very imperfect know- ledge of Kant, and undertook to correct and criticize him while leaving a great portion of his work unread, may seem natural to a public which has a pious horror of German metaphysicians, and is content to condemn them while leaving their books unopened. But such conduct is unworthy of a critic.