Marjorie Dudingstoune : a Tale of Old St. Andrew's. By
William Francis Collier, LL.D. Two volumes. (Edinburgh, W. P. Nimmo.)—As a careful and curious picture of Scotland before the Reformation, this story has decided merits. But it has the further advantage of being readable and interesting to a general public. The scene of the-" Wise Wile " and her young comrade crossing over the Firth of Forth to pluck
daffodils in a churchyard by moonlight in order to concoct a love philtre, is painted with the lurid glare that becomes it, and is in keeping with the character of the time. We are not sorry to go back to witches who wore old and unattractive, instead of having to believe that all young women are as bad in heart and more successful in their machinations. At all events, the "Wise Wife" was drowned.