Physiology at the Farm. By William Seller, M.D., and Henry
Stephens. (Blackwood.)—Wo should like to have this book read aloud to the Northern Farmer. It would show him, if he was not too beat to see even that, that the old world of agriculture must give place to a new world of scientific culture, and that if farming is to pay, it must be in the
bands of those who understand what they are dying. Perhaps iu the present state of learning this book is too elaborate. The first part, which is devoted to the anatomy and physiology of animals at the farm, must surely be over the heads of most breeders. The second and third parts, which treat of the food of these animals, are more practical, though even they seem almost too elaborate and exhaustive. But as Mr. Stephens knows better than we do what is wanted by his brethren in the depart- ment with which he is closely acquainted, we are content to reserve our judgment. It is enough to say that what the book professes to do ik does admirably.