"Yet still did I speed On my way without heed,
Nor mourned for the wreck that was doing ; For my calm cold light Is my own delight, And I smile o'er the ashes of min."
It is rather remarkable that some of the Sydney papers were edited by convicts, which must have added greatly to the charms of newspaper controversy.
Literature in New South Wales. By G. B. Barton. (Sydney : Richards.) The Poets and Prose Writers of New South Wales. Edited by G. B. Barton. (Sydney : Gibbs, Shallard, and Co.)—The first of these volumes is a classified catalogue, or rather a catalogue raisonne, of the literature of New South Wales, beginning with its newspapers and periodicals, and going through all the branches of authorship. The second volume is a supplement to the first, and is chiefly made up of well chosen extracts from the works of the more prominent authors of New South Wales. There are some curious details in the first volume, though perhaps they are too purely local in their interest. Mr. Barton gives us a specimen of the poetry contributed by Mr. Lowe to the Sydney Atlas, and the poem quoted ends rather significantly with a stanza that might typify Mr. Lowe's present or late position :—