15 JUNE 1867, Page 3

Mr. Tenniel has accepted the suggestion which we made in

our issue of the 25th ult., for a cartoon of Mr. Disraeli as Mr. Poynter's Sphinx, dragged into his place of worship by all the country gentlemen, Conservative and Liberal, under the lash of Lord Derby. He has, as might be expected, improved in many respects on the rough design we threw out,—especially in making Mr. Walpole hold the parasol over Lord Derby's head, as he curls his lash at the reluctant team. Lord Stanley and Sir Stafford Northeote are closest to the triumphal car, but neither of them has, we think, pulled quite so earnestly as Mr. Tenniel here gives him credit for. Lord Cranborne is the Disraelite who has fallen out in despair, and to whom the Standard is administering what- ever refreshment and support it cari: Nothing can be more admirable than Mr. Lowe's scowl of defiance and Sir John Peking- ton's open-mouthed, feeble zeal. We doubt if the main figure, the Sphinx-Disraeli, is quite up to the great artist's mark. Mr. Tenniel has never perhaps seen him put on that fetish-like face which idols are apt to wear, especially when they intend to cheat their worshippers, and which Mr. Disraeli frequently assumes on the Treasury bench.