The House of Commons reassembled on Thursday, and Mr. Rylands
moved a resolution declaring that no Treaties involving guarantees or subsidies should be signed in future without the previous consent of Parliament. Mr. Gladstone, however, argued that it was more expedient to trust the Government than to im- pose on it an unreal fetter, which would only increase the respon- sibility, without increasing the power of Parliament. He added that this was not the moment to suggest such a change, for "they had now arrived at a stage of the Eastern Question at which it was not unreasonable to hope that much of the difference between Honourable Members on that (the Opposition) side of the House and the Government had disappeared." Sir Stafford Northcote accepted this speech as final, the " case having been so well put by the right honourable gentleman opposite that there was no ground for pressing the subject to a division," and Mr. Rylands therefore wished to withdraw his motion ; but it was negatived.