A Short Account of the University of Glasgow. By Jaine3
Coutts. M.A. (MacLehose and Sons, Glasgow. 1s. net.)—This pamphlet has been prepared fa view of the approaching celebration of the ninth jubilee of the University. This was founded by a Pop• (Nicholas V.) at the request of James II.. but the moving cause was a Bishop,—surely the goad deed might be counted for righteousness to the Order. A long succession of benefactors followed, and there were many varieties among them : Queen Mary, for instance, John Spottiswoode, Archbishop of St. Andrews, the Duke of Hamilton, the Marquis of Montrose and his great enemy Argyle, Dalrymple of Stair, Charles I. and Cromwell, William III., the Duke of Chandos (Pope's Timon), and, to pass over a couple of centuries, the most munificent of them all in the person of Mr. Carnegie. Mr. Coutts gives an account of the intellectual activities of the place, which have never suffered quite the eclipse the other Universities have suffered, and has generally made an excellent use of his opportunity.