15 JUNE 1929, Page 1

His Ministers He had already interviewed Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, who,

we are glad to say, takes no administrative office to himself _in addition to the unlimited work that falls to the Prime Minister as such. As Secretary of State. for Foreign Affairs in his last Government he did some extremely good work, but we remember the condition of nervous exhaustion in which the General Election - found him at the time of his resignation. As Prime Minister he will have a general supervision of foreign policy,. and that must suffice. It leaves us content. The seals of the Foreign Office go to Mr. Henderson, who can be trusted to exercise caution and common sense. He not only held office in the last Labour Government, but also in the Coalition Government during the War and in the War Cabinet. In fact his experience of responsible government is considerable. In foreign affairs his only direct activity was his mission to Russia at the time of the revolution there. France, who sent M. Albert Thomas, and Great Britain thought that the cause of the Allies might be helped by sending men from trade union circles to be their representatives in Russia, if Kerensky could form a stable Government. Mr. Henderson had the good -sense to follow Sir George Buchanan back to England.

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