15 JUNE 1929, Page 14

American Notes of the Week

(By Cable)

[The American Notes which have been appearing is the SPECTATOR for the last few weeks are written by Mr. Ivy Lee, the well-known American publicist, who has agreed to cable us on Wednesdays a weekly page of comment on outstanding affairs in the United States.—En. SPECTATOR.]


General Dawes arrives in London to assume his duties as Ambassador at a propitious moment. He leaves with instructions from the American Administration conceived in a new spirit. President Hoover sees clearly the great importance of improved relations between the United States and the British Empire. He recognizes, furthermore, the vital importance of every step in that direction receiving whole-hearted support from public opinion in both countries. The suggestion of Mr. James L. Garvin that Mr. MacDonald should visit the United States at the earliest moment to discuss the situation with the American Administration has accordingly had a most enthusiastic reception here. As Mr. Garvin aptly says, " A week of conversation is worth a year of correspondence." The very fact that Mr. MacDonald should come, which constitutes an act of gracious considera- tion for the convenience of President Hoover and a compli- ment to the people of the United States, with all the attendant publicity that would undoubtedly follow, would tend to cultivate that very sentiment which, however intangible, is of the very substance out of which a true bond between the English-speaking peoples must be created. The suggestion that Premier King of Canada be called into consultation is happy. For let it not be forgotten that the century-old fact of a Canadian border undefended on either side is not embodied in any treaty. It is an understanding fortified by a sentiment of impregnable strength.