Until the work of the Indian Statutory ComMission is complete
Mr. Haitshorn very properly stands aside, but of those who return to offices that they held before, Lord Thomson will be back at the Air Ministry, Mr. Buxton at the Board of Agriculture, and Sir Charles Trevelyan at the Board of Education, where he will find in progress the large and far-reaching changes thought out by Lord Eustace Percy. These are too serious to be lightly checked or altered, and too weighty to be hurried beyond the pace at which local authorities can put them into operation. Mr. Clynes, who had a hard time before as leader of the House, becomes Home Secretary. Mr. Shaw goes to the War Office, and Mr. Alexander reaches Cabinet rank as First Lord of the Admiralty. He has been Secretary of the Co- operative Congress, and is reputed to be anxious to stand up stubbornly against the naval experts. That is right so long as he recognizes that they only do their duty when they disregard politics. Mr. Greenwood, whom Mr. Neville Chamberlain would admit to have been a serious critic of his work, becomes Minister of Health. Miss Bondfield, by right of ability and hard work, becomes the first woman Cabinet Minister in our history. At the Ministry of Labour she will presumably work hand in hand with Mr. Thomas. Her work on the Blanesburgh Commission must have been a valuable part of her education in social principles. If she shows in office the spirit that underlay that Commission's Report, she will deserve our confidence. Mr. W. Graham who made his mark at the Treasury becomes President of the Board of Trade. Mr. Lees-Smith becomes Post- master-General. Mr. Ponsonby, Mr. Ammon, Mr. Shinwell and Mr. Lunn again hold minor offices, as do Dr. Addison and Miss Lawrence. We are glad to see Mr. Ben Turner placed in the Mines Department. • * * *