SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I was much interested in the above article in your issue of the 1st inst., as I have seen a desecrating instance of the erection of bungalows and the cutting off of cliff tracks and the ground upon which the fishermen have dried their nets for many generations, at Sennen Cove.
About four or five years ago when this vandalism took place, I used every possible effort to urge the owner to reserve a small section of this frontage for the benefit of the fishermen, as in the past, and also to enable invalid visitors to approach the magnificent headland known as Peden-mean-du, access to which is now cut off to invalids owing to the barbed 'wire enclosure to the shore. I also took the matter up with various members of the Local District Council and the Secretary of the Commons and Footpaths Preservation Society ; although, as you state, one receives a sympathetic ear "there is no public body of sufficient strength which can be approached."
It does appear, however, that there is a solution to prevent further cliff scenery being enclosed by adopting a similar principle to that which is to-day in force under a Town Planning Scheme in the County of London, and introduce legislation to schedule undeveloped land round our Coast, now used by the public, for cliff walks.
I can also substantiate the point that has been raised, that in many cases vandalism is not committed by the small profiteer who comes from a distance, but by the Cornishmen themselves and regarded by the local populace with -utter